Thursday 10 October 2019

Do I take the job?

Bodyguard to the stars Arthur who had now been undercover for almost 3-months in the body of a young Asian woman so he could stay close to the Millionaire's daughter who had been getting death threats.

He thought it was a bad idea for her to go to this party but she would not listen and insisted on going.

So Arthur had no choice but to take and protect her in a crowded room.

He strapped his gun to his inner thigh which was uncomfortable.

He put on a pretty frock high heels and makeup and took her to the party.

He found it hard to keep an eye on her with all the men who were trying to get into his knickers.

He spotted one man that looked out of place there.

His tuxedo did not seem to fit him properly & there was definitely a suspicious bulge under his left arm.

He followed the guy around the room while simultaneously keeping an eye on the person he was protecting.

He noticed when the guy was just 15 feet away from his client he reached into his jacket with his right hand and pulled out a handgun.

Arthur screamed at the man who had just pulled out a gun to drop the gun or he would have no choice but to shoot.

The man astonished to see the beautiful ditsy Asian woman holding a gun and screaming at him to drop it.

He said what are you going to do with that sweet cheeks as he aimed it at his target.

Arthur let off 2 quick rounds into the man's right shoulder causing him to drop the gun and held him there until the police arrive to take him away.

It later transpired the man who wanted to hurt the girls father for a business deal that had gone wrong and had cost him everything.

Arthur satisfied with another job well done could not wait to get back to his own body and gender.

But the girls father who was extremely happy with the job he had done offered him a full-time job as his daughters bodyguard  which meant staying a woman a lot longer then he was originally intending.


  1. unless the daughter was Asian to begin with I think if I was Arthur I would take the job but ask for a redhead who was a bit taller
