Wednesday 23 October 2019

Losing it to a girl....

Scott awoke alone in a strange bed.

He stared up at a strange ceiling feeling somewhat energised.

He remembered having a few drinks after work with some of the girls.

He remembered talking to a guy who seemed to be happy to pay for his drinks.

He remembered saying goodbye to the girls as he left the bar with the guy who he had been talking to.

He remembered making out with him in the back of a taxi on the way back to his place.

He remembered they frantically ripped each others clothes off wants in his flat.

He remembered the guy going down on him and doing things to his pussy that were incredible and got him so wet.

He remembered they made love into the small hours until they both passed out due to sexual exhaustion.

He was brought back to reality when the man walked into the bedroom naked holding two cups of coffee.

The man asked him how he was feeling after last night?

He put the two cups of coffee down on the bedside table next to an open packet of condoms.

Scott stared at the man as he tried to remember his name?

But it was no good he just could not remember.

He said to the man standing there looking at him this might sound cheesy but I don't seem to remember your name!

The man just said as he climbed into bed with him typical men never seem to remember your name before introducing himself as Stephanie.

Scott just smiled and thought to himself no wonder the sex was incredible.

Stephanie just looked at him and said as she put her hand under the sheets and between his legs & said as she slipped one of her big muscular fingers into his dripping wet pussy do you fancy another round?

Scott let out a moan of pleasure Stephanie fingered him to the point of place & said YES FUCK ME LIKE YOU DID LAST NIGHT!!!!

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