Sir Bedivere would not have accepted the task to free the village of Angle from the man eating dragon if he knew what he was going to go through to be able to slay that beast.
But now after drinking Merlin's potion which transformed him into a beautiful female knight he had no choice but to set out on his perilous task.
He quickly discovered slaying the Dragon would not be the hardest part of his task as it was a man eating dragon and he was no longer a man.
The hardest part was dealing with being a woman and fighting off men who only had one thing on their minds which they thought they could take from him.
But up to now he had managed to keep his maidenhead intact and his female body which wanted them to take it under control but he was not sure if he would be able to keep it under control until he got back to Camelot for Merlin to reverse it.

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