Simon lent over the edge of the bath & said to his mother who was now in the body of a 29 year old man it has been 3 months since the great shift.
Don't you think it's about time you started trusting me.
This is going to be my body for the rest of my life.
Simon's mother just looked at her teenage son now teenage daughter and said to him I know what you want to do to that body.
No matter what the scientists say I don't believe the great shift is irreversible.
I know the minute I turn my back you'll be fingering yourself senseless and I am going to protect it from you.
Which really pissed Simon off because up to now all he had done as a girl was cry, scream, menstruate and wear his mother's clothes and he really wanted to find out what it felt like to finger himself.
But that wasn't going to happen with his mother always watching him & making sure you behave.
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