Thursday, 4 July 2019

Not the life I had in mind.

Sarah had had enough of life as a trophy wife who was unable to do anything without her husband's permission.

She did not want to divorce him and lose everything.

So after selling her jewellery and siphoning money out of their joint bank account she used an online spell to steal her brother's body before running away to start life anew as her brother.

Tony was shocked to find himself suddenly in his sister's body in her house.

He was even more worried when he found a note she had left him explaining why she had done it.

He was still in shock when his sister's husband came home expecting a warm welcome and a cooked meal on the table.

He knew there was no point telling him what had happened as he himself still found it hard to believe this was possible.

He found it difficult having to sleep with him as he constantly wanted sex which he could not give him yet.

But now after 5 days being trapped in his sister's body and life he was starting to go stir crazy.

He was not cut out to be a housewife.

He did not know how to love her husband like she did.

He did not know how to behave around him.

He just wanted his life back but he knew that was never going to happen.

He knew after this mornings argument about the lack of action in the bedroom again he could not put it off any longer.

He decided whilst his sister's husband was at work that he would get a little bit of practise in first.

So even though he still felt wrong doing it he rifled through his sisters underwear drawer until he found the right outfit he wanted.

He stripped naked in front of the mirror and slipped on the skimpy outfit which felt wrong and right at the same time.

He made himself comfortable on the bed.

He closed his eyes and started thinking of naked gorgeous big breasted women which had always worked in the past to get him hard but this time did not do the trick.

He lay there frustrated thinking about her husband and what he wanted to do to her body.

He was surprised to find himself getting wet between the legs just at the thought of him.

He gets his sister must have really loved it at first.

He slid his hands into the panties he was wearing. 

He was surprised to feel how warm and moist her pussy was.

He started exploring the dripping wet opening between his legs.

He found what every man found hard to find the clitoris.

He rubbed her clitoris which made him per like a kitten as his body was rocked by wave upon wave of sexual pleasure.

Which somewhat prepared him for what was to come that night when he finally gave in and allowed his sister's husband to screw his brains out for the first but not for the last time.


  1. Oh, yeah! I love that! Well-written all the way through and great match between story and gif! Wow!!!

