Thursday, 4 July 2019

Just a little bit bigger.

There was many things about his new body Anthony did not like at first.

He did not like being a woman.

He felt small delicate and frightened all the time.

He just could not wrap his mind around all that came with being a woman.

He was terrified and frightened the first time he menstruated as it was not something a boy was taught about.

He did not like feeling uncomfortable, bloated and yucky down there.

He discovered when he was on he was a right little bitch.

But his biggest pet peeve with his female body was that it had practically no tits.

In time he found himself getting used to most aspects of womanhood.

He got used to wearing female clothes and underwear.

He discovered he quite enjoyed sex from the female point of view.

He got used to PMS & menstruating as he had little choice but to.

But the one thing he still could not get used to was being as flat-chested as a teenage boy.

So after 3 years of scrimping and saving he was finally able to afford a boob job.

Which made him more body confident and more comfortable with his female body.

He could not wait to share the results with his friends.

Image result for naked boob job

So a few weeks after his operation and most of the dressings had been removed and the swelling had gone down he stood in his bathroom in front of the mirror and took a picture of his new boobs and sent a selfie with the heading what do you think to all of his frienda.

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