Monday 29 April 2019

What the hell is going on?

16-year-old Robert knew there was something up the minute he woke up.

It wasn't just lying in a strange bed in a strange room his body felt different.

He walked on unfamiliar feet across the room.

Every step was making his chest pound.

He walked towards the open door which turned out to be a little ensuite.

He found the light switch.

He was blinded for a few seconds by the bright light.

When his eyes adjusted to the light.

He was definitely sure something had happened to him.

As he saw staring back at him from the bathroom mirror a young woman with long hair.

He discovered why it was painful for him to walk as his large breasts were unrestrained and they were bouncing madly on his chest.

He stood there for about half an hour wondering what was going on.

He tryed to stay calm as he examined his new body.

Unaware that a wet dream he was having had just landed him in the body of a pornstar for the rest of his life.

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