Wednesday 2 September 2015

Yours for the right price.

You could say I was having fun at somebody else's expense.
I have the ability to possess other people and I only do it for money.

Say you wanted a pretty young girl to go to your senior prom with you but she says no will for $220 I would possess her for the evening and you could have your date with her.

But I always drew the line at doing anything that would cause harm to the person I was possessing.

But on this occasion it was just pure humiliation I was paid $200 to possess Melanie one of the most popular girls in college by the chess club and have her flash her breasts all day just because she humiliated one of them in front of the entire college.

Which would get her expelled and the best part of it is that she would have no memory of it but plenty of horny teenage boys would have photographs to show her why she was now expelled.

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