Wednesday 2 September 2015

Sleeper Agent.

During the 1960s American scientists discovered a way to remove the conscious thoughts from one body and place it in another.

Now we see major James Phillips of the American Special Forces wounded in Vietnam & one of the first test subjects.

They removed his consciousness from his body & placed it into the body of a young woman brain dead and in a coma after a car accident with a subliminal trigger to reactivate his memories on command.

Just 24 hours later the young woman came out of the coma and started to rebuild her life with no knowledge of who she was before and what they had done to her.

Now we see major James Phillips after activation.

he knew his consciousness would be inputted into a female body but was still confused.

he was now a stewardess for American Airways flight 246 to Moscow.

His mission is to assassinate 2 Russian politicians that were sitting up in first class & after that he would go back to being dormant with no knowledge of what she had done.

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