Tuesday 1 September 2015

The Perfect Disguise.

Back in the 1930s I was one of America's most notorious bank robbers my name was James Malone from South Philly I had just robbed the federal savings and loan bank whilst trying to make my getaway I was shot 3 times and then everything went dark.

I do not know how long I was out.

But when I came to a man said to me are you getting up doll face it time to shake a leg.

As my vision cleared i could see long blonde hair in front of my eyes I was a broad.

the man looked at me as I felt myself up and down he said to me what's your story, morning glory?

I said stop talking to me like that.

Do you know who I am?

The man answered no doll.

I shouted back at him I am James Malone from South Philly.

He said you don't look much like him.

Then an older gentleman came in.

He was in a white coat and said it's good to see you awake your own body was too badly damaged I hope you like the new one I just stood there gobsmacked.

He said you were killed whilst committing a crime I managed to save your consciousness and put it in a new body sadly the only one at hand was that of my assistant.

Now you work for me & continue doing what you do so well and fund my experiments and I might find you a better body in time he handed me a gun and said it was time to get to work I lit up a cigar and said this is going to take some getting used to but the one upside of all this is the cops don't know who I am yet.

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