Tuesday 1 September 2015

The first great shift pregnancy clinic.

Thanks to the great shift a lot of men found themselves in pregnant women's bodies here we see the first great shift pregnancy clinic.

The clinics were set up by the government to give support to the men that now find themselves in pregnant women bodies. 

Some were lucky to know the original mothers and fathers of the child growing inside of them but it was still a shock to the system.

But in most cases the new women were left in the dark and had to learn how to be a woman and a mother.

The first case we are going to look at is Simon Webbe a married man who swapped bodies with his pregnant wife they were happy that they were both together and their unborn child was safe.

This was their first child and even though he was now going to be the mother and not the father he was looking forward to the day he will be able to see his child.

That all changed when his water broke and the contractions started and he felt humiliated as he was wheeled into the delivery room and he was told to start to push 6 hours in labour and plenty of gas and air later he held his daughter in his arms and he knew he had nobody to blame for this situation as he was the one who planted the seed.


The second case we are going to look at is that of Paul Phillips a single man working on a construction site.

Thanks to his new situation he could no longer do his job and unto the baby was born he had no idea what he was going to do.

The pregnancy clinics staff gave him all the help they could like teaching him about his new body the changes it will be going through how to care for the baby when it was born and what changes will occur to his body after it was born.

The first few months were the hardest apart from being a woman he was constantly needing to pee his new breasts were always sensitive and his ever increasing girth.

He found out the name of his body it was Jessica Woodroffe & it was 22 years old and that she had shifted into a man.

They met for coffee a couple of times at first he was not happy at being a pregnant woman and the baby's original mother now in a mail body agreed to take the child on after it was born.

Over a couple of months they grew very close to the point where they started dating.

Philip told Jessica if I'm going to be pushing out this baby I want to experience sex before it comes.

So that night in his pregnant body he felt the joy of sex as a woman and he never felt so at home before in his new body until that man came inside of him.

A couple of months later he gave birth to a baby boy and now he is looking forward to his wedding day and raising the child with the man he had come to love.

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