Tuesday 1 September 2015

Nanotechnologie. My first mission

You could say I was the new girl on the force but I've been with the NYPD for 15 years mainly on homicide but today is my first day on the deep cover squad.

With new nanotechnology they can reprogram a person's DNA structure which opens up a new way of going undercover with this new technology we can transform ourselves into anybody male or female.

As you can see there is some adjustment needed at first you are given a standard body template which will be yours.

I must have drawn the short straw as I got the template of a young blonde woman and squeezing my new assets into a bulletproof vest was not easy.

My first mission was to learn everything about Melanie Foster whose husband was the CEO of an investment bank.

It was known that he was embezzling company funds we had tried to get information out of his wife before but she kept quiet & it was impossible to get bugging devices into his house.

She had a weekly hair appointment & on her way there we had her pulled over and taken away.

She will be kept in an induced coma for 2 days & I will take her place and I just hope I had learnt enough to fool him.

My first day was spent going to a hair appointment & following her routine so when her husband got home there was a hot meal on the table & his beautiful wife waiting for him.

I was dreading bedtime according to the report he was quite a frisky man and I was not ready for that.

But when bedtime came I could not break my cover & I let him do what he does every night to his wife at first he thought there was a problem as I was not getting into it but after about 10 minutes believe it or not I started getting into it and I quite enjoyed it.

By the time I got up the next morning he had already left for work thank god for the basic female training they give us now.

I showered and dressed and got down to work I had about 16 hours to finish my mission and then the cleanup crew would come in and copy everything in the safes.

Then they will let her husband know she was involved in a minor car accident which will account for the loss of 48 hours worth of memories. 

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