Thursday 27 August 2015

The Witch's Curse.

I was driving across country on my way to start a new job there was a storm on the horizon and my GPS was no use as the first flashes of lightning lit up the night sky.

All of a sudden I had a blowout and had to pull over to the side of the road.

I thought shit I knew I should have gotten that spare repaired.

My cell phone had no signal and I knew it was unsafe to stay in the car.

So I headed over to a barn I could see in the distance.
If I knew then what I know now I would never of entered that barn.

I got into the barn and fell asleep waiting for the storm to die down I woke up screaming in excruciating pain it felt like something was pulling the life force right out of my body after 10 minutes of the most excruciating pain of my life I blacked out.

I awoke with the feeling that something was wrong.

I looked down and saw that I had become a young woman.

I was incredibly horny.

A male figure came out of the shadows.

He started to make the most beautiful love to me.

 My mind was telling me to stop but my body would not let me.

I was rapped in the most Incredibles sexual in brace that I had ever had in my life.

When I woke up the next morning the storm had stopped the man was gone and I was still a woman.

I walked into the nearest town & went to the local sheriff's department thinking they would think I was crazy.

But the local sheriff believed me as apparently it happens every stormy night that a man is stupid enough to sleep in that barn.

The sheriff told me that the spot was cursed by a witch in the early 1700s when she was betrayed by her lover to the witchfinder general & was burnt at the stake cursing any man that slept there to become a woman who could never find true love and would spend their life looking for it.

Every stormy night I get incredibly horny and have to find a guy to sleep with which is not hard considering how easy I am on those nights.

But even five years after it happened to me I have still not found true love and I am still looking for it but I am having a lot of fun along the way.

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