Thursday 27 August 2015

Canadian to stripper

I was an average 19 year old boy when the great shift hit.
I was living in Ontario Canada with my family.

One minute I was at home playing my Xbox the next I was in a cheap strip club dancing around a pole there were people screaming and shouting all around me.

there was what  looked like a 50 year old businessman crying for his mummy there were two women making out in the corner & people screaming this is not my body where am I!!!!!!

That was the start of my nightmare I ran through a door at the back of the stage and found myself in the female changing rooms.

I tried to find something to cover my nakedness up with.

I found a pair of knickers that I slipped on & white top that barely covered my bouncing breasts.

then another girl walked into the locker room and said Stardust are you alright?

I sat on the couch and told this woman who I was & that I was 19 years old a boy living in Canada & my name was Robert Koch.

She told me that Stardust lived with her in a motel & if I wanted to I could go with her back to the motel and find out what had happened.

I was too scared to be left behind so I just followed her back to the motel.

She told me she lived next door to the strip club because it was easier that way to take clients back.

I asked her was Stardust a prostitute as well?

only when times were hard she said with a giggle.

Back at the motel we found out on the local news something they were calling the great shift had swapped about 90% of the human race.

That night I slept a very uncomfortable sleep in somebody else's body and bed.

It took local authorities 3 days to set up an emergency identification centre.

as I was not an US citizen my paperwork would take longer & they suggested that I continue doing the job this body was doing before the shift as a non US citizen I was not entitled to any handouts & without a valid passport I could not leave the country.

So that's where you'll find me now at the strip club.

It reopened 5 days after the swap and with losing most of the strippers they were eager to take anybody on.

I was not happy with the situation but a girl's gotta eat.

My new found friend Bethany told me that Stardusts real name was Samantha.

She gave me a crash course in dancing on a pole to say this body had muscle memory would be an understatement as dancing around a pole came easy to me.

After 6 weeks the Canadian authorities have not found my parents yet & with all the other people in the American system it's unlikely I'll get any identification soon.

I was so frustrated that night with the slowness of my case that Bethany said she had a way to relieve all the stress and pressure.

After half a bottle of wine led to gloria's lesbian sex and yes it did make me feel a lot better.

That was 6 months ago and I've applied to stay in the US.

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