Wednesday 19 August 2015

The Talisman A new chapter in my life. Part 4

As I look down in disgust I could not believe what I was doing.

I am not even into my first week of being a woman and I am already menstruating.

I felt bloated cranky and pissed off.

My now brother just said well I had to learn to live with it.

I shouted back you were born a girl I was born a boy I don't want to have to deal with this & started crying.

I sat on the bathroom floor saying I don't want this I want my old life back.

He said I'm sorry I drag you into this I didn't know it would happen but you feel better soon it's just your hormones.

I tidied myself up and got dressed luckily for me he got my clothes washed and cleaned for me as well as getting me the sanitary ware I needed.

I smiled and said I should be stronger than this but for some reason this body seems to be more emotional than my old one.

Female hormones can be a blessing as well as a curse in time you begin to love your body.

A woman's body is like a seesaw some days you will have the greatest pleasure & some days you will have the most intense pain.

When I had my first period I did not like the way my body felt but you'll get use to it I promise you I will always be there for you.

I smiled and then my now brother said can I do your hair and makeup for you?

I said don't do anything over the top.

It felt weird on my face and the feminine smell of the perfume made my head spin.

He says doesn't that look better you have such a pretty face hopefully your memories will tell you how to do this if not I will give you a crash course when we get home.

He made me put on a pair of pumps he said the trainers did not go with my outfit.

My sister just said well every young lady has to learn to deal with it.

I shouted back you were born a girl I was born a boy I don't want to have to deal with this & started crying.

I sat on the bathroom floor saying I don't want this I want my old life back.

She said I'm sorry I drag you into this I didn't know it would happen but you feel better soon it's just your hormones.

I tidied myself up and got dressed luckily for me she got my clothes washed and cleaned as well as getting me the sanitary ware I needed.

I smiled and said I should be stronger than this but for some reason this body seems to be more emotional than my old one.

She told me female hormones can be a blessing as well as a curse & in time I would begin to love my body.

She told me a woman's body was like a seesaw some days you will have the greatest pleasure & some days you will have the most intense pain.

She told me when she had her first period she did not like the way her body felt but you'll get use to it & I promise you I will always be there for you.

I smiled and then my sister said can I do your hair and makeup for you?

I said don't do anything over the top.

It felt weird on my face and the feminine smell of the perfume made my head spin.

She said doesn't that look better you have such a pretty face hopefully your memories will tell you how to do this if not I will give you a crash course when we get home.

She made me put on a pair of pumps she said the trainers did not go with my outfit.

We had an hour to kill before our 3 hour flight.

It was nearly 12 o'clock and we were looking around the shops In the airport.

She bought me some beauty cosmetic things I would need.

When are boarding number was called we entered the plane and sat down for our 3 hour flight.

I slept on the plane for the whole entire flight & by the time I woke up we were at Chicago O'Hare Airport another 30 minutes & we got out of the airport.

We hailed a taxi and just clambered in.

Her memories seem to be coming back quicker than mine.

She knew where we lived off the top of her head.

By the time we got into the flat I just wanted to get out of this damn uncomfortable bra and into a hot bath.

I had remembered to change my sanitary towel throughout the day but I still felt icky down there.

She said you take a bath and I'll order some takeaway.

I found the bathroom after a few minutes wandering around the apartment.

I poured myself a hot bubble bath stripped off and slipped my aching body into it enjoying the feeling of the warm water around my vagina.

I got out of the bath with just a towel wrapped around me and my sister said I have ordered you Chinese.

My sister said to me tomorrow I'll try and explain some of the fundamental things you need to know about being a girl. 

Life is a lot more complicated for women then it is for men.

I went to bed that night with a million and one thoughts rushing through my head about how my sister had ruined my life.

She was shocked to walk into the kitchen & see me in my underwear drinking a cup of coffee.

She said cover yourself up and I just snapped back I always walk around in my underwear I like the feeling of being free and letting it all hang out.

Can I ask you a question about my bra?

She said go on then.

I said why does it hurt so much and why does it dig into my skin?

She said you are probably wearing the wrong size and we can go to a shop I know and have them properly measured.

So that day I went out for my first bra fitting with my sister.

It was the first time I expose my breast to another woman.

She brought out a tape measure and measured my cleavage.

She wrote a few numbers down and said I'll be back in a minute with some bras for you to try on.

I found putting on a bra quite easy.

She brought me all the different types.

Why would women need so many different types of bra I wondered as I stood there looking at them all.

End Of Part 4

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