Wednesday 19 August 2015

The Talisman Part 3 The Last Leg to Salem.

I was so tired from my nightly explorations that I just collapsed on the bed.

I lay there wrapped in the musty bed sheets of the night before intoxicated by my new body & before I knew it I had lost 2 hours.

Something about that expiration made me feel a little bit daring

Not wanting to wear the same clothes I was wearing yesterday I had no choice but to  to dry dressing as a girl.

I pulled out of my suitcase skirt & a low cut top.

I felt embarrassed dress like this but I had no real choice as the woman I am now did not have a lot of trousers.

I quickly showered threw on my clothes.

I went down to the lobby & paid my bill & collected my car and headed off.

The feeling of my legs being exposed under the skirt & the way it was riding up everytime I move my leg was so disconcerting to me.

I had a good 12 hour drive in front of me before I got to Salem.

I wondered how I was going to pass the time this was such a boring road trip.

I turned on the radio and found myself singing along to 80s hits which was something I never did as a man.

I had to stop three times to pee and once for gas.

It was almost 10 p.m. when I pulled into Salem. 

I text my sister letting her know I was there and finding out where she wanted to meet.

She told me to meet her in the Black Cat inn.

I drove straight to the Black Cat inn where my sister was staying.

Getting out of a car with a skirt on was difficult trying to be ladylike and not give anybody a show.

I straightened my top & pulled down my skirt then put on a jacket as my new body was a little bit more sensitive to the cold and then my old one the cold air blew between my legs and up my skirt was a new experience.

I walked through the lobby door looking around for someone I would recognise.

That's when I heard a male voice shout Brian I replied its Chantelle now apparently.

He dragged me over to the local Diner and said I'm very sorry I didn't know it would affect you as well as me.

We are meeting Anagrammer at 1 p.m she's the woman that gave me The Talisman at the bar.

I said look at me I'm wearing a freaking skirt?

She said well you do look cute in it.

I said is that supposed to make me happy.

The man sitting in front of me who used to be my sister & who is now my brother said to me have a cup of coffee and then we'll head back to the hotel.

You look like you could do with some freshening up.

I looked at her and just said I have been on the road for 12 hours and I don't think I'm up to the maintenance of a body like this.

We walked back to the hotel everything to me still felt different and strange.

I had things moving that never moved before.

The wiggle of my hips & my behind and the cold rush of air up my skirt really disconcerted me.

My sister had booked us a twin room.

She told me that she thought that might be best seeing I might need a helping hand with my new body.

Once safely back in the hotel room I started to have a go at my sister.

I shouted at her look at what you have done to me all I know is my name is Chantelle white and I have a pussy where my dick should be!

She said don't worry little sister your big brother can help you there.

Whilst you were driving up here I did some research on who we are.

I am now the older brother and my name is Frank White I am 25 years old  I still work for the Chicago tribune but now as one of the lead journalist & I still live in Chicago.

I am only doing this story as the reporter they were going to send went into labour.

Now for you.

You are Chantelle White you are 23 years old you are no longer the lead quarterback for the Denver Broncos.

For some reason you live in Chicago with me & you work in a florists.

I gave my sister a dirty look letting her know I was not happy with what she had just told me.

I say to her with an angry tone in my voice so I go from 6 foot 5 to 5 foot 4 from male to female from the big brother to the little sister & from a well paying job to a dead end job.

She just looked at me and said it could have been a lot worse.

Now what do you say we order some food from room service.

Burger fries and beer for me and a healthy tuna salad and club soda for you.

I just looked at her completely annoyed and pissed off and told her to do whatever she wanted to do as I raided the mini bar for something stronger.

My sister told me to go easy on the mini vodkas I was down in one after another as my new female body could not take the alcohol

I snap back at her what do you care just look what you have done to me!

I must have passed out due to the drinking.

I awoke to my sister shaking me and telling me to get up as it was almost time to meet her friend.

The minute I stepped out of bed the room spun around me and I rushed off to the bathroom to throw up.

I ran some cold water over my face and said to my sister god damn this body is a lightweight.

My sister asked if I was alright?

I said what do you think.

I wobbled back into the room holding on to every item I passed for stability.

I said have you got any mouthwash my mouth tastes like the bottom of a birdcage.

I took a quick shower & cleaned my teeth.

Then she sat me down so she could get the tangles out of my hair.

She said it's not that easy for me either.

I just wanted to be taken seriously in my work and to be just as successful as you were.

Do you think I like waking up with morning wood, having to shave my face.

Halfway through tidying me up a knocking came at the door.

It was Anagrammer.

She said just call me Anna.

We all sat down at the table and started talking.

She said the talisman could not make my sister into what she wanted so it turned me into one thing and her into another that way it kept the cosmic balance in order.

I said but I don't want to be a woman!

She just looked at me & said well it cannot be reversed you're stuck with it.

She said we would slowly start getting memories as in this reality we were born in the genders we are now & that we were the only 3 that would remember who we were before.

So we made plans for the next day to head back to Chicago.

I had a restless night's sleep.

I had cramps in my stomach.

I thought the Inn's food had given me food poisoning.

I managed to get a few hours sleep but when I woke up in the morning the cramps were just as bad.

I sat on the toilet trying to pee bent double in pain when I wiped myself I noticed there was blood on the tissue.

I woke my sister and told her what had happened she said oh shit! 

I said what is it?

She said it's just your time of the month.

I said oh no I'm not going through that.

She said you can't stop it.

It's part of your biological clock.

I said what do I do now then?

She said it's ok I got some stuff that you might need.

I said stuff?

She said yes & gave me a box with sanitary towels and tampons in.

I said what do I do with these things?

She said go into the bathroom all you need to know is on the leaflets in the boxes. 

I stood there in the bathroom feeling absolutely grossed out by the situation looking at the menstrual plug and said I was not ready for that so it was the towel after all.

I said this day cannot get any worse can it?

End of part 3

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