Thursday 20 August 2015

Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs.

Back in the 1950s, the police had a hard time dealing with the motorcycle gangs.

One of the most notorious was El Diablo.

They would ride across America causing crimes in every state.
Doing Robberies, Murders, Arson & Rape.

The court authorities could not keep up with the influx of crime and the high number of re-offenders.

The government came up with a new way of dealing with them.

If the men's prisons were overflowing they would send them to women's prisons instead.

Lower numbers of women re-offend when they left prison than men.

Now we see El Diablo after their indoctrination into the prison system.

Due to the High number of crimes the court ordered DNA modification to remove the criminal urges out of the men.

Which left them as fully functioning young women.

After serving five years of their sentence they were released on probation and sent to a halfway house to teach the new women their new roles in society and what was expected of them.

Some of the men rebelled against the new system and the fact that they had been turned into women and forced into the lives of women.

So they decided to start one of the first female motorcycle gangs in the United States the Devil's Princesses.

They were all recalled & sent off to serve the rest of their time in the armed forces where life was not so easy for a good-looking woman.

Now we see some of El Diablo on their wedding day.

What blushing Brides they make.

8 months after their honeymoons they are new mothers.

In love with their husbands and besotted by their babies.

They might not have the freedom of the road anymore.

But motherhood brings its own joy.

The End.

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