Wednesday 26 August 2015

The Kidnap Victim.

One minute I was at home watching TV the next I was tied to a chair in what looks like a ruined building.

When a man with a flashlight shined it on me I notice long blonde hair falling down my face and a strange feeling of cold air around my bare legs.

I shouted at the man where am I and what have you done to me!

I was in shock at the very high pitch and feminine voice I had.

The man just said shut up bitch and that's when I noticed I was in a pink bra and shorts with two small breasts sticking out & I was tied to a chair for what seemed like hours trying my best not to wet myself.

I was frightened cold and alone.

it turned out that the great shift had hit and left me in the body of a kidnap victim.
I managed to explain to the guy that my name was Frank and I did not know what was going on.

Then all of a sudden cops burst in from the woods and behind them was my body.

the kidnapper was unaffected by the great shift and was taken away.

I was left shocked dazed and in a body that was not mine as I was take away to the local hospital for a checkup.

It turned out the kidnapped girl landed in my body and raise the alarm which I was more than grateful for because who knew how desperate that man would get and what he was capable of.

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