Benjamin was given the choice between returning to Earth and having a second gentle life or moving on to the next realm where his heart would be weighed and sent to the appropriate afterlife.
Thinking back over all the evil and nasty things he had done in his life he chose to return to Earth and live a better and more fruitful existence.
Within the blink of an eye, he found himself back on earth and in a new body living a new life.
A life that was opposite to his old one.
A life where he was not big strong and tough.
A life where he made his living with his body.
He was now a middle-aged woman who made her money on her back.
He did not know how he was going to turn this life around whilst keeping a roof over his head.
But for the time being he had no choice but to continue doing what she did best.
After a couple of weeks no longer seemed horrible or disabled to him anymore.
He could not believe he would start him to enjoy his new body and life
He could not believe that he could no longer see what needed to be changed.
As far as he could see this life was perfect.
Benjamin life was hard he all he did was to worked, and when he retired he didn't know what to do, it was said that he died of boredom. Then he was in sort of the afterlife, between life and what was consider the death. or the afterlife. He had a choice , to go to great beyond , or go back to the Earth plane. He was never a saint or the greatest person, sure that he done some bad things. But he would do things differently. He would do things better. Trying thing correct. some the wrong he done, He choice to return back to the Earth Realm. Within a few moments, Benjamin was back on Earth again. He was not where he was or is. He quickly discovered that he wasn't a guy ,he was a girl, a middle-aged woman. His or her life, she basically did worked on her back, So to speak of sex , simply, He was sort of in the after glow his/her now feminine body, At first he /she didn't know what to do, she gets paid for having sex with other people, other men. He/she did know , how or why that he err she could change his err her life around and good some good. He/she figure that a week or so he/she would figure it out. But a week turned into several weeks Benjamin slowly adapted to her new life, she even started to enjoy the sex a girl. Plus the money wasn't bad either, she was doing it like she was doing it for many, many years , than a FEW WEEKS. Benjamin wasn't Benjamin , she was Holly now. She started to think her life was perfect, she started secreted to figure out she might do within a few years. Do something else, get married, have a child. That seem to frill Holly, to be a wife to the right guy. But that can be later.