Friday, 21 March 2025

I have absolutely nothing to wear!

Nineteen-year-old Thomas now, in the body of eighteen-year-old Stephanie had just spent the last three hours tearing through her wardrobe & drawers looking for anything a little bit masculine to wear for college the next day.
He could not believe all she owned was girly clothes.


  1. With a body like this why would she even consider wanting to wear anything masculine? Zoe

  2. Hate to have to put all that stuff back in it’s space!

  3. Thomas was once 19-year boy, now that is into the body a 18-year-old girl name Stephane. He had spend the last three hours going thou all of her clothes, shoes, etc. etc. to find something to wear, Oh there was plenty of stuff to wear, but nothing that wasn't to girly or feminine that wasn't sort of feminine. All he knew he switch with Stephane, and probably Stephany with Thomas male body. He wanted to go out and start to look for her/him , to be himself again. There isn't anything wasn't that screams to Girly. no pants that he could wear that was sort of normal, well normal for him. Either give up and stay inside her room for the next several days until he/she could get some pants and plain shirt. and the flat shoes. The added problems is that he doesn't her err my size now. What would you do, stay inside the room or find something that Thomas/Stephane would be comfortable with, or want but he/she has classes tomorrow at the college
