Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Exploring my new self part two.


He was extremely sexually turned on and was curious about what he could find to slide inside there.

He found an aubergine in the fridge and covered it in olive oil before teasing himself with it.

He was surprised at how it easily slid inside of him.

He was surprised by how good it felt having something so girthy inside of him.

It wasn't long before he wanted something different.

He spotted the bottle of wine on the kitchen counter and wondered if that would fit.

He tossed the aubergine to one side and picked up the wine bottle.

He placed it on the kitchen counter and stood over it legs up making sure he had the right angle of dissent to go down on it.

He said to himself as he looked down at the bottle of wine what the hell am I doing?

I'm trapped in a woman's body and I'm so horny and fucking fruit and veg.

Now I'm considering sliding on top of this bottle like a cork.

He gently lowered himself onto it.

He was surprised by how easily and deeply it slid side of him.

He could not believe how good it felt to have it had this inside of him.

He lay down on the kitchen counter which was cold and smooth underneath his hot buttocks and started masturbating with it.

He was just bringing himself to the climax when he heard those clicks of the front door opening.

He wondered if it was this woman returning home to see who was in her body.

To his shock and horror, it was and she was not pleased at what she saw when she walked into the kitchen and caught him masturbating with the bottle of red wine.


  1. A 60 old criminal steal a hardworking divorced mom, by hiding in her house. Uses her body to fuck his original one. His original body, dies after having sex. As her, he calls the police and they took his original body. So he tries to impersonate this divorced mom.

    "Mom" fucks her male's body.

    New "mom" in town

    1. She's not what I wanted but she will do requested by Anonymous 11.02.25

  2. Please, could you accept this?

    body snatcher, get hold of your mature neighbor's body, she was a hot middle aged milf, she is a divorced mother who lives alone, as her children are adults. So he enjoys his new retired life in her body, having all kinds of orgasms and playing with himself. She has been in her body for so long that she has forgotten her old self and has definitively assumed the identity of the poor woman.

    1. How knew retirement could be this much fun? requested by Anonymous 12.02.25
