Wednesday 14 August 2024

You just don't understand what I'm going through

Jason lay on the psychiatrist's couch feeling down and happy.

He was happy to be alive.

He was happy to be fit and healthy.

But did they have to give a body like this?

A body so young so full of sexual energy and confusing feelings.

The therapist looked at him and said what's so wrong with being a woman I ask you?

Your young your beautiful and you have a second chance of life.

Trust me things will be better than you think.

Yes, men will look at you like you are just something to get in bed.

People will disrespect you and you will have to work twice as hard as you did before.

Yes you will have to wear skirts dresses makeup and high heels.

Yes, you will have to deal with gynaecologists' menstrual cycles and pregnancy scares if you ever get over the fact that you now like men that way.

It's all a matter of perspective.

You'll have to learn to love yourself and love who you are now.

You have two choices in life either you can live in the past and be angry at what you have lost or you can look towards the future and all the wonderful things it has in store for you.

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