Sunday 4 August 2024

This is too freaky for words part 3 Requested by Anonymous 04.08.24

This is too freaky for words part 2 Requested by Anonymous

They both did not expect how strange and exciting their lives would become after that first night beneath the sheets.

It was something both of them desperately needed and felt better for doing.

They both agreed it was a one-time thing and promised never to do it again.

But they both knew it was a lie.

Over the next couple of days, he did his best to make life easy for the man on the child.

He played mother and wife.

He enjoys spending time with the child he felt so what a strange connection.

He gets it was because he was in its mother's body.

For all the tints and purposes he was this kid's mother.

He was in her body wearing her clothes taking care of her child and satisfying her husband.

Samuel was surprised by how much he enjoyed being the woman in the relationship and in bed.

Things took a funny turn three weeks after the initial event.

Samuel came down with flu-like symptoms and was sick in the morning.

He went to see a doctor who asked him all sorts of questions about his menstrual cycle and what he had been up to since landing in this woman's body.

He told him that he had not menstruated yet but he had been having quite a lot of sex.

The doctor asked him if they had been using protection condoms pills anything like that.

Samuel red faced and slightly ashamed had not even considered contraception.

He had not even considered that he was the one who could get pregnant.

20 minutes later he left the doctors with the news that he was expecting.

He did not know how the man was going to take it.

He was nervous and frightened to tell him.

He was surprised and happy by the way he embraced him and kissed him.

9 months later his water broke.

16 hours and 35 minutes of agony and pain he had ever experienced he pushed out a healthy baby girl. 

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