Sunday 11 August 2024

Mr. Smith: Requested by Anonymous 11.08.24


14-year-old Francis was devastated when Mr Smith passed away at the age of 65.

He was the only person who took time in their day talked to him showed him how to do things and was like a father to him.

His mother was a useless woman.

She did not work.

She did not take care of the house.

She did not take care of him.

She just smoked and drank and lived off the life insurance policy from his father.

She masturbated and brought men home all the time.

Not long after Mr Smith's death Francis his life started getting better.

His mother gave up smoking and drinking.

She started taking care of him & the house.

That is not to say everything was perfect with her all of a sudden.

She did sometimes relapse.

She would have the odd glass of Bourbon.

Sometimes Francis felt a present when he was nearer.

Like Mr Smith was there next to him.

Francis did not know it but his mother had been replaced by the spirit of Mr Smith.

Mr Smith was no ordinary old man.

He was a shapeshifter.

When he reaches a certain age he sheds to form he is now wearing who takes on a new one.

He had only taken on this body and this life for Francis' sake.

Knowing that he could improve it and give Francis a better life and a better future.

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