Sunday 14 July 2024

Suspicions requested by Anonymous 14.07.24

Weirdo mom


It had been a mystery for many weeks wanted happened to Mr Smith from number 49 down the Block.

One day he had just vanished leaving everything behind.

It wasn't long after his disappearance that I first noticed that there was something not quite right about my mother.

It was subtle at first she seemed to forget things and find things difficult to do.

It was things that she had done all her life like hair and makeup walking in high heels cooking meals and remembering who I was.

Over the space of the next three months, she started going strange.

I caught up one day studying practically naked in an old military hat on the live sex streaming internet channel.

People were paying her to do strange and bizarre things in front of the camera.

The more I stood there watching her listening to her I started to get this strange feeling that I was watching our neighbour Mr Smith and not my mother.

I really started to get suspicious when she pulled out a glass dildo put it between her legs and started stroking it like was a cock.

If I did not know it wasn't an impossibility I would have said she was possessed by him.

I stopped watching her the minute she penetrated herself with that dildo screaming out as she did so fuck I have forgotten how sensitive one of these things is.

I am pretty sure that is not my mother upstairs.

But with no real proof for evidence, what can I do?

Everybody would think I had gone mad if I told him that I suspected my mother was Mr Smith our neighbour who had gone missing.

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