Sunday 7 July 2024

An exchange of Cultures Part 2 requested by Shadow. 7.07.24

Part 1

Shadow spent the next six months mainly on his back sampling every sexual position and delight these aliens had to offer him.

The world was just one endless orgasmic sexual pleasure for him.

Then came today the alien in his body returned to the ship with its information.

Shadow did not want to go back to being a man.

He wanted to stay a woman.

He wanted to make love every day.

The alien inside his body felt the same way.

Whilst it had been on Earth it had sampled many of Earth's females.

It had found being an earthman extremely pleasurable and exciting.

It did not want to go back to being a woman.

They both beg the alien high council to let them stay the way they were.

The Alien High Council agreed on one condition.

They made it and produced an alien-human hybrid between them.

Shadow wasn't quite ready to be an alien mother.

But if it meant keeping this body of this gender and this pleasure it would be worth it.

It was strange and open making love to your own body both of them felt.

after a little bit of embarrassment and shiners, they got down to it and discovered they were both quite compatible.

So the second the third and the fourth time was not as uncomfortable.

After the 20th time making love shadow was told he was pregnant.

He would now go through  16 months of pregnancy before giving birth to four to five babies.

Shadow looked down and so a green vagina between his legs wondering how painful it was going to be to push four or five out of it.

The alien in his body was sent back to continually living his life while shadow waddled around for the next 16 months getting larger more hormonal and uncomfortable before popping out five healthy screaming half-human half-alien babies after 17 and a half hours of agonizing labour.