Tuesday 4 June 2024

A quest of Discovery.

Sir Lionel had been sent on a quest to destroy the man-eating beast of the forest of Gwyneth.

Thanks to some strong Magic, he had been transformed into a woman to defeat the beast.

After defeating the Beast he used the reversal potion given to him.

Unfortunately for him, it did not work.

He was trapped as a woman until he could return to the wizard who had created the potion for him. 

He quickly discovered the world was a lot colder harsher and more dangerous place as a female warrior.

He quickly discovered there were a lot more dangers out there for a woman on her own.

He now had to defend himself daily from beasts and men who just wanted to use abuse and fuck him.

Not to mention all the biological and hormonal nightmarishness that came with being a woman.

He hoped to survive and hold out until he could be a man again.

As a woman, a little bit of his masculinity faded with every passing day.

He could not help noticing that he enjoyed the attention his half-naked body got from the strapping young men he encountered every day.

He started looking at the strapping young men as something not to fear but to enjoy.

He started to get extremely curious and horny and he now just wanted to spread his legs and give himself over to his inner woman.

By the time he made it back to the wizard he had embraced his newfound femininity and was hoping the wizard had a potion to get rid of the baby growing inside of him now.


  1. The quest of Sir Lionel was supposed to being a simple quest but the creature within the forest of Gwyneth attacked any male that when within the forest, so a solution was created to turned Sir Lionel into actual girl and sent him as a girl. He didn't dress like a girl, he was a girl, physically and biologically one, so he was dressed as female warrior , sent to the forest and defeating the creature in the forest of Gwyneth. When the female Sir Lionel was traveling to get his potion to returned to normal male self. When he/she stopped for the night, he/she noticed that some of the male Patrion noticed his/her warrior garments, what he/she wears, Normally Sire Lionel his male presents would stop most of them. But now it was different thou he/she had the same skills and talents as before, not as strong, but just as effective, he/she had taking a bigger warrior than him but he/she knew being a female would change that much, he/she defeated a dangerous creature. So He/she had to be extra careful, one was that they weren't many female warriors there , but there a few there. So when one less intelligent or foolish men tried himself on him/her , he/she knocked him out quickly. So the other quickly gave him/her a wide berth. So Sire Lionel order a bottle of strong wine and a room . He/she sat down in a unfeminine stands. After a few glasses of his/her favor wine, he/she was hoping that the wizard had the potion to returned him/her back to a male again. It was bad enough that he had to this. But he/she hate that fact he/she is a female for the time. The less time as a female , the better, he/she was started to get those unnatural feeling that was coursing threw his/her feminine body. He/she wanted finished the bottle off , but he/she felt a bit woozy and fuzzy, and he/she didn't even have a third of the bottle it took nearly two or three or three to get him/her like this. But he/she forgot that his/she female body was much lighter and smaller. So It could effect him/her allot quicker that usual, but he/she forgot that , and he/she started look at the more handsomer guy in the Tavern, to put it simply he/she was getting horny, he/she promised that he/she wouldn't circum to his/her female needs. He/she kept saying to him/herself wait. You bed a maiden after your a guy again. But he/she figure why not he/she wondered why maidens always scream when he penetrated them, so he/she figured why not this will the only time to do it. So he/she did. So several hours later, it was morning, when he/she woke with a large hangover. When he/she tried to remember that last several hours. He/she couldn't believe that he/she did it. He/she washed up, got dressed in his/her female warrior garb. It was several days later he got back to wizard chambers. And get back to his normal male self again. The longer he/she a girl , the more used to being a girl was less pleasant to him/her. Besides he/she was feeling a bit queasy in his/her belly. When he/she arrived to the wizard he automatically sense, that Lionel was pregnant. So the potion wouldn't work ever, so he had to making a another potion his/her fetus and change him back to his/her male form. But the problem, was that if he/she did it , he/she might lose a heir to him/her , that Lionel and wait 8 or 9 months until the birth or have another potion to drink and lose the child , switch would do that is the question.
