Saturday 8 June 2024

A last minute hiccup.

27-year-old sales executive Jason was using long-distance body technology to attend their meeting in Chicago.

He was supposed to be swapping bodied with a 22-year-old man named Frank who worked at the same company.

So he was surprised and very angry when he landed in the body of 21-year-old Sarah who was heavily pregnant and was on maternity leave from the same company.

The first thing he did after peeing and calming down was get onto the company to see why he had been put in this body.

According to the HR director Frank had come down with appendicitis last night.

She was the only person available at the time to swap with.

It was only for three days and they fought he would not mind.

He told the lady at HR that he didn't mind.

So now he was stuck in this body for the next three days.

Everything about this body hurt.

Everything about this body was uncomfortable.

Everything about this body made him miserable.

He was happy that it was only for three days.

After 3 days in a pregnant woman's body, he was ready to go back to his own.

Unfortunately for him, Sarah in his body could not be found.

She had emptied her bank account and run off with his body.

Until they found her he was trapped in her body.

She had two months left before she gave birth and he hoped they found her before then.

Unfortunately for him, they did not and he ended up giving birth to a healthy baby girl after 17 hours in excruciating agony.

 something inside of him made him not and the child over to the authorities after giving birth.

Something inside of him made him want to look after it carefully and keep it.

He guessed that was his newfound mothering instincts.

He is now back home in his apartment taking care of the baby whilst working from home.

He is now hoping they never find her in his body.

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