Tuesday 21 May 2024

This is who I was supposed to be.

Jonathan never saw himself as the family type of man. 

He had never thought about getting married. 

He had never thought about having children. 

He had always considered one day if that stuff came along he would consider it then. 

But until then, he would be carefree and have fun sleeping with a different woman every night with no commitments.

Well, that was until the great shift hit the earth and put him in the body of a pregnant woman. 

In the space of 3 months, he went from being a man to a single mother with her baby relying on him for everything. 

Like a lot of men in his situation, he had considered giving up the child once he had given birth. 

But the minute he held his baby in his arms something inside of him changed he guessed this was fate's way of telling him he was supposed to be a mother.


  1. Request story: Old Man ends up in a single woman body. At First, he hates being this woman but with time learned How valuable is a life. The real woman never appeared again and he started a New Life.


  2. You know something Junior the Great Shift was a blessing disguise for me, I mean I was the kind of guy who played field with women.

    I know it's hard believe that your mother used to be a regular Don Juan, who often 'try to pick up chicks to a deep loneliness within himself; You could call it karma that I wound up inside this Biker Babe's body and even more of a shock when I found out you were on the way.

    I mean expericing labor first hand was painful beyond belief but after all the literal blood, sweat, and tears; I held you my arms and you became my whole world this made me want to be the Mother you deserve. I won't trade that feeling for anything in the world.
