Sunday 19 May 2024

Taking over mother requested by Anonymous 19.05.24

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17-year-old Samuel was swimming in his friend Anthony's pool when suddenly everything felt wrong and he found himself fading away.

He had just had a fit and drowned.

Luckily for him underneath Mother pulled him out and started CPR.

He did not know it at the time but his soul was sucked out of his body and into hers.

Despite her best efforts his body died.

It was only a few days later that his consciousness inside her body started taking control of it.

It was strange at first to find himself in her body.

Carrying her heavy tits and feeling her wet pussy between his legs.

At first, he was just a passenger inside her body.

Feeling tasting hearing and seeing everything she did.

The greatest pleasure he had felt during that time was when she made out with a fit young man from the tennis club.

It turned out that behind closed doors she was not quite the slapper.

Over time he tried and tried to take over her body and then just one day while she was sucking off a young man he found himself in control.

He found himself finishing off what she had started and swallowing the salty seed has had just been shut into her with joy.

Now in full control of her body, he accessed his memories he was determined to make sure Samuel never knew who was now his mother.

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