Sunday 19 May 2024

Parents to be request by Ajanbahu 19.05.24

21-year-old Tony was one of the lucky ones in the great shift.

He was unshifted, unlike his 55-year-old father who was now in the body of a luxurious 24-year-old African-American woman.

His father Allan was finding changing gender changing age and changing ethnicity hard.

There were so many things to get used to.

Hair, makeup, female hygiene and his new libido were just some of the problems he had to put up with.

It took him almost six months after this year before he was able to leave the house and return to work.

He found he was more aware of his surroundings and personal space as a woman.

He was more suspicious of men and people getting too close to him, especially on the subway.

One night when returning home late from the office he was harassed by five young men.

Luckily it did not go as far as he feared it was going to go thanks to a train guard getting on at the next stop.

His son became his rock and His World.

His son was a shoulder he could cry on.

His son was somebody he could trust and confide in.

Over time he found himself growing attracted to his son.

Over time the only thing that could get his pussy wet was thinking of his son.

He did the only thing he could do in this situation.

He started staying away from his son.

His son confronted him one day and said Dad I think I know it was going on.

You fall in love with me and find it weird.

I just want you to know I'm in love with you.

I want to one day marry you and I want you to have my children.

Even though it felt strange and wrong that first day started dating.

This started going out to restaurants and dancing.

They started feeling around and making love.

They found four months after they had started their courtship they were going to be parents.

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