Thursday 23 May 2024

I always liked it when you wore this for me.

Simon was not really into swapping bodies. 

But his girlfriend kept on begging him to do so. 

She told him it would spice up their relationship.

I would help them know each of us better if we knew what each of our bodies wanted needed and desired. 

After the swap, he felt so incredibly wonderful inside her skin but he would not tell her that. 

He felt more sexually alive and powerful than he ever had done as a man. 

Something about having breasts and a vagina just made him want to have fun and be voluptuous. 

His girlfriend was really surprised within 24 hours of the swamp he was begging her to do all sorts of weird and wonderful and crazy things to him in the bedroom. 

She had never seen this side of her boyfriend before and neither had he.

It took becoming a woman to show him how kinky he really was. 


  1. Ever since the local hobo died, he possessed the boys from his friend's mom. It's been a year he stole her, and player the role so well, her son doesnt suspect his mom IS the hobo.
