Sunday 28 April 2024

Swapping one for the other requested by anonymous 28.04.24


16-year-old Joe noticed not-so-subtle changes in his sister Melanie's personality after she returned from her date with her boyfriend at the State Fair.

Her whole personality had changed.

She started speaking and acting more like a man.

She started playing with her body in front of him.

She started sleeping around behind her boyfriend's back.

Joe went to his mother and told her what was going on.

She had noticed the changes in her but did not know what caused him.

Joe decided to confront his sister and find out what was going on.

He could not believe the answer she gave him.

She was not his sister Melanie.

She was in fact a 125-year-old man named Francis.

He had managed to live as long as he had by jumping in and out of people's bodies and living in them.

Joe pleaded with him to leave his sister's body.

He was surprised when France turned around to him now topless and said I've had my fun and moving on anyway.

The next morning Melanie awoke in her body with no memory of the past six weeks

She had no idea that she had been possessed.

She had no idea of all the horrible and stomach-turning things she had done.

Joe decides not to tell her and lets her think she has been ill.

He went to tell his mother his sister was back and got a terrible surprise when he burst into her bedroom.

His mother was sitting on the end of the bed naked playing with herself.

He knew immediately that it was not his mother.

He knew it was Francis.

He said I thought you were leaving.

Francis inside his mother's body just mild and said I did I left your sister for your mother.

Now if you don't mind could you leave as I was just about a finger her pussy and I don't think you want to watch that.

Joe had no other option but to leave Francis in his mother's body to have his fun hoping in a few weeks he would move on to somebody else.

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