Sunday 7 April 2024

Swap class troubles Requested by Anonymous 7.04.24

Sammy sat at the back of the classroom annoyed.

He could not believe that Michael had been partnered with his girlfriend Michelle.

He could only imagine all the horrible things that Michelle would be doing to her gorgeous body when he was back at home in his room alone.

He wanted to go up there and tell him to keep his hands off her body.

But he felt so small and weak and unable to do so in Emma's delicate body.

He took some comfort in knowing whilst they were at school he could keep an aisle him, especially in the locker room and make sure he did not get up to anything improper.

Michael could not believe he had been partnered with Michael.

She was one of the hottest girls in the school.

She was going out with Sammy one of the biggest idiots who relied on his ability to play football to get him through college.

Michael looked behind him at Sammy sitting there in Emma's delicate body.

He smiled knowing that for the next four weeks, this body was all his.

There was nothing Sammy could do to stop him from having fun with her body when they were not at school.

He decided there and then that he was going to spend the next four weeks flirting with every boy in the school and making Michael out to be a right little slapper just to annoy him.

Michael now in the body of Michelle could feel the pulsating animosity between her boyfriend and the boy in her body.

She could not help wondering how they were going to cope over the next four weeks with their new highly emotional and highly hormonal female bodies.

All she did know was by the end of the four weeks she was going to have some fun and maybe even try and get them both to agree to a threesome.

Which by the end of the second week she had managed to do on more than one occasion.

It turned out that both boys could not control their new female libidos.

It turned out that both boys could not keep their hands out of their knickers.

It turned out they were masturbating at least three times a day and not getting themselves anywhere.

So when she came to both of them with the idea of a threesome they both forgot about their hatred for each other and gave themselves over to pure bliss and pleasure with her cock and each other's pussies.

Michelle and Michael found it strange making out with each other in each other's bodies.

Michelle could not believe how wonderful her body smelled and how great her pussy tasted.

Michael could not believe how much he craved the cock that was his and how desperately he wanted it in him.

Samuel was slightly jealous that he was the outsider of the group and took whatever sloppy seconds were given to him with delight and gusto.

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