By Anonymous
Daniel was about 18 years old and he was very depressed. He felt that his life had no director. He didn't know why it was that he felt he was in the wrong body, the wrong gender. He didn't know why he felt like a girl, that his entire being inside and out. That he should be before a girl. But he felt that he couldn't dare tell anyone. He felt couldn't dare tell anyone that felt like this, He had outfitted a dress actually, that he tried on a few years ago for a party. That he was dressed as one. But no one knew that it was Daniel dressed as one. But to Daniel, it was a costume, to him. He has been having problems ever since or before it. Now that Daniel has been going through problems of what he was. The pain of who he was, he couldn't dare tell anyone, So he decided to take his way out. He took a dozen or so pills. But he didn't read what he was taking. So he took them. and sat down on the floor. He to sleep, maybe his next life will be better. But he woke up, several days a week later. Daniel in a hospital room, A nurse who said oh good you're awake now dearie. We're afraid that we'll lost you, but your mother, and a few friends. But we have to tell you that you'll change a bit. How, how I said. Well, we're not sure, your body, has changed physically as well as biologically. Into actual girls. You developed into one. So you have to live as a girl now, we're that the pills you took somehow shifted into a girl. You have to start life your life as a girl now. Plus, you are having periods, and you are mensurating as a girl now. So, when the doctor and the nurse, mother m, she arrived in my room. She was glad and sad and angry. She asked me, why I never told her of your problems, you felt, like this, we could have talked about this. She said. Well now that that I am an actual girl. I have to learn the many aspects of being, not only the clothes and styles. But the mental emotional and personal behaviour of being a girl. you have many, many years of becoming a girl. So the days and weeks and months, that Daniel was slowly immersing, of being a girl. The first thing was that Daniel changed her name to Danielle Jane. She wore anything girly, she wore anything that wasn't a dress or skirt or feminine, she barely wore pants, the only thing that, she wasn't ready for was sex, but now that she was ready for it she wanted to experience her first feminine orgasm. She wanted it to be perfect. Who she picked for the first time. as a girl. Who she picks is another story.
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