Wednesday 1 November 2023

What am I going to do now?

Andrew really regretted doing the right thing.

He came forward as a witness to a brutal crime and was put in the witness protection program.

He was given a new body a new identity and a new life.

He was put in the body of a teenage girl.

At first, it was a lot of fun being a teenage girl.

He was emotionally horny and completely boy-crazy.

There was so much to explore in so much to learn.

He could not believe how much more of female body felt weird came to pleasure.

It was non-stop partying and having sex with every boy going.

Then one day the first one he woke up feeling like he had the flu and was sick.

But that's all changed when Andrew got pregnant.

A quick trip to the local drugstore confirmed him in the worst fears.

He did not want to have a baby growing inside of him ruining his gorgeous female body.

He did not want to have to breastfeed a baby making his big beautiful tits saggy and soft.

He did not want to have to push a baby out with all the pain and agony.

He did not want people to judge him because he was a teenage mother.

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