Thursday 2 November 2023

I just love it requested by Anonymous

James did not think his obsession was strange.

He was fascinated and fixated on women's menstrual cycles.

He so desperately wanted to know what it felt like.

He spotted a shooting star one night and closed his eyes and made a wish.

The next morning he wrote feeling absolutely dreadful with pains in his stomach and burning sensation between his legs.

He started into the bathroom feeling like somebody was scraping his insides out with a rusty spoon.

He caught his reflection in the mirror and  was surprised.

He was a fully grown woman.

He pulled off the panties he was wearing and spotted to sanitary towel.

He was a woman on her period.

The next 7-days for uncomfortable  but strangely enjoyable.

He wondered when would  be himself again.

On the night of the seventh day he climbed into bed and closed his eyes.

The next morning he awoke to find himself in a different woman's body on her period.