Sunday 19 November 2023

It actually worked requested by shadow

Shadow was a real believer in your court and the strange.

He was always on the lookout for books on witchcraft magic and spell casting.

One day whilst going through the books in a second hand shop he came across the book which causes attention.

Was full of strange symbol and the language you he did not understand but he did recognize.

He bought the book for $1.25 and headed home with his purchase.

He spent the next 3 weeks translating the whole entire book with the help of the internet.

One of the Spells really caught his fancy.

It was a body position spell.

According to what he had translated all he had to do was Focus his mind on the person he wanted to become save the words in the book and he would take over their body.

The first person he tried it on was his mother.

He did not expect it to work.

So he was surprised to find himself standing in the kitchen preparing tea in his mum's body

He did not spend long in his mother's body he hated the thought of being in the body that he was pushed out of.

The second person he used it on was his annoying sister.

He spent a fun but confusing 3 hours in her body tweeting crap on the internet to get a in trouble the next day with her friends.

The third person he planned on using it on was his math teacher.

He wanted to take over his body and change his grades.

But something went wrong when he casted the spell and he found himself inside the body of his heavily pregnant principle.

He did not like the feeling of being a pregnant woman and wanted out as quick as possible.

But for some reason his mind was trapped.

He rushed to the Genesis closet where he had left his bag and the magic translation book.

He quickly  read over the spell and the instructions on how to use it.

There was one piece that he had not paid any attention to as he never thought it would apply to him.

If the person is carrying a child with inside them the possession would become permanent until the pregnancy is complete.

He looked down at his big tits and heavily pregnant belly and scream NO!


  1. This was very good. Love how I wasn’t thrilled to being pregnant :D
    Gotta new one too! A guy and his family gets swapped due to a magic turkey on thanksgiving. The guy swaps into his attractive aunt, his mom in her fathers body, and so on

  2. Shadow always believe that magic is real. Actually real he is a believer in such stuff. As he was doing his research into the occult he looking the various bookstores. Then he was looking for right book, that special book. Then he found that book that he was looking for. A book on magic and spells calling ,and runes. As he opened the book, it was filled strange writing. But he strangely understanding it. So he automatically bought it there on the spot. It strangely cheap about 1.25. Then he when home he quickly studied it And discovered it had several spells and runes. There was one group of spells and runes . That can quite useful for him. One was a possessing spell that can take over other people like suit or puppet. He first was his mother. Within a few minutes. He was actually his mother. And she was making some tea. As he/she slowly drank it. It was usually feeling that, he was his own mother. And quickly left her mothers body.
    Then a few days later, he decided to do it again. But this time with his sister this time. He loving to annoy her this time it was special. He spent three or four hours in her body. TO CREATED havoc on her reputation. When he left her body. He went to her room do some mischief . She to busy tried to figure out what the heck happen for the last three hours.
    Then about a week later. Got a bad grade, on his math test so, He decided to his grades enough to be a good standing maybe good at some of the next weeks test. So he decided take over her body. As he entered her body. It felt different and strange. Other than he was a woman now. A pregnant now about two or three months pregnant. When decided to get out his math teacher body. He found out that he couldn't do it.
    Then he decided to get his book. As he found in the janitors closet. He found he read the page on possession. As he read the pages. There was a warning that possession of pregnant that is near 12 to 13 weeks pregnancies. THAT the possessor must go through the full pregnancy process. As he slowly realize that he is her for the next six to eight months. Now he has live her life now. But what of my old body. He returned to being me. There are problem. So Shadow find ways find away for disappear for so long. But that is another story.
