Monday 6 November 2023

Did you just touch my ass!

Brian never thought his life would turn out this bad by doing the right thing.

He witnessed a crime and reported it to the police and went against the criminals in court.

He was put into the witness protection program after two failed attempts on his life.

He fought that all the changes would be paperwork and he would be given somewhere else to live.

He did not expect to find himself in a female body halfway across the country working as a waitress.

He demanded that his handler get him a male body.

He was disappointed to find out that the transfer could only happen once and they could only put male minds into female bodies and female minds into male bodies.

He was sad to find out that his family and friends fought he was now deceased.

He had no choice but to settle down into his new life as an underpaid overworked sexually harassed female.

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