Tuesday 7 November 2023

All I want now is a husband.

Like a lot of boys, I had heard of the school.

Like a lot of boys, I did not believe everything I heard.

Then one day I got into serious trouble with the law.

Being only 16 my parents were given two options.

Options 1: 8 years in juvie with a criminal record.

Options 2: six years at ST Mungo school for badly behaved boys.

Of course, my parents took option 2.

When I arrived at the school I thought things would not be so bad.

I thought this school was just an ordinary school with rumours of black magic that turned boys into girls to make them good.

I could not believe my eyes as my parents drove me up the long winding drive to the school and how many beautiful young girls there were.

My parents drop me off at reception.

I was sent to see the matron.

I was made to strip completely naked.

A bright light appeared above my head.

My body started to feel soft and delicate.

Two lumps exploded from my chest in front of my eyes.

Then the most horrific thing that ever happened to be happened my penis shrivelled up and transformed into a vagina.

That was the start of my education.

From that day forward I was known as Sarah.

I was not allowed to use my boy's name or do anything boyish.

Any infraction of the rules like not combing your hair or making sure your uniform was perfect was punished by some of the strangest punishments.

Like having to stand completely naked in the middle of the dining hall as everybody looked at you.

Having your beautiful hair shaved off and made to wake around with a sign saying I don't want to be a girl.

By my second term in the school, I had settled down and accepted the fact that I was now a teenage girl.

I no longer found wearing female clothes or doing my hair or makeup strength.

I was no longer angry and frustrated with the world.

I found a love for my new gender and sexuality.

I enjoyed cooking, sewing and learning how to be a good wife/ mother for someone in the future.

By the end of my incarceration at this school I did not want to go home.

I did not want to leave my sisters.

I would miss all the fun and joy we have together.

I would miss those hours late at night helping each other overcome as a woman.

I knew like a lot of the new girls we were now set on the same path of finding a husband and becoming a mother.

We all promise to stay in touch and meet up once a year to relive our school days and nights.

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