Thursday 3 August 2023

More than just a quick haircut : requested by RJ


RJ only went in to get his hair trimmed.

He had no idea the salon he had chosen was run by witches.

he had no idea they liked missing around with men.

He had no idea as the woman washed his hair she was doing more than just washing it.

He was so relaxed he did not notice the transformation.

He did not notice his whole body becoming female.

He did not notice the two large breasts that appeared on his chest or that his cock had been replaced by a beautiful pussy.

She asked him did he like what she had done?

His eyes snapped back into focus and he noticed the transformation to his body and clothing for the first time.

He's let out of girly squirrels squeal.

He said what have you done to me!

He was surprised when the hairdresser just put her hands down his top and started massaging his new extremely sensitive breasts.

She looked at him as she did so and said I have given you the greatest gift any man could have.

I have turned you into a beautiful young woman.

If you lift up your skirt you'll see your pussy is getting wet.

From now on your name is Barbara you work here.

You are my lover and you will do whatever I tell you too do. You will be an obedient good girl. You will be rewarded with the greatest pleasures in life.

She stripped of her clothes before helping him out of his.

She pulled out a little pink dildo for one of the cupboards.

She covered it in lieu before beginning kneeling in front of him and saying it is enchanted to give you the greatest sexual pleasure in your life.

She gently but forcefully inserted it in too his dripping wet excited pussy.

He had never felt anything like it before. It was the most orgasmic pleasure he had felt in his life. He could not believe how great a pussy felt when excited. All he wanted was more. She told him be a good girl and I will give you this every single night. But be a bad girl and I will leave you for a whole entire day sexually frustrated. He promised to be a good girl and do whatever she wanted. He was now just like the rest of the girls in there.
A transformed man who was addicted to the pleasure she could give him.


  1. RJ felt that his hair was a bit shaggy, and he needed to have a bit of trimmed. So he decided to get a trimmed. He saw this salon with a special deal that was good only good today.
    Part of his felt it was to good to be true, but another part felt something that drawled him in there. Who believe a salon would be run by a group of witches. He didn't know that they love to mess with men.
    SO the hairdresser that, was working with RJ , said that we'll made to look pretty when we're done. You mean, I'll look handsome, he said. Look honey, I do mostly women and teenage girls mostly, and I sometimes get a few guys that come here. So you'll have forgiven me and my terms. By at the time he closes his eyes and tried to relaxed a bit, it be over within a hour or so.
    But as he closed his eyes, he didn't what was happening to him. What seem to be a hour was several hours. His hair lengthen and grow darker also a dark brown color, his face and body became more, more feminine, he was growing breasts, his male genitals started to shirk into his body. And developed into female parts. His shirt and pants and loathers. Changed into a cute top and skirt, his loathers changed into a pair of sandals, his male underwear changed into lingerie(bra and panties). His voice was more a feminine masculine voice and tones. And he still didn't get it. Okay honey all done, let me turn to see what I did to you.
    As she turned him to the mirror, he squeak like a squirrel, what have you done to me he/she asked. As the shocked was still at him/her at the time, but the hairdresser decided to put her hand on RJ's newly formed breast, underneath her top and in her breasts. Oh, oh what are you doing now. Well honey, I decided that I needed to have a assistant to help me with me and the shop now. But, but I'm, I'm. A girl now. Yes, I full fictionally girl. You'll be my assistant for about maybe 70 or 80 years maybe a hundred years. But, but I'll be very, very old, I'll probably won't live that long. You common people with your short, short lives. I'm a over five hundred years old, well 530 years old, to be precise. My master well mistress is over a thousand years old and still beautiful. We don't age like you. We stay young a pretty. You mean I be as young as you, but why.
    Because I need assistant or two to help me. And I need some sexually release. As she took off her, top and skirt. As she rubbed her breasts. And newly developed crotch threw her panties. If your a good girl Barbara. She looked at her as she undressed to. You are silly, I may allow to have a boyfriend or two couple of times a year. If your a bad girl, you will find out what happened you, I think I'll be good girl. Besides I know nothing about being a girl. How to dress or act, besides I'm not RJ now, I'm Barbara. Assistant hairdresser, lover, and novice witch. Oh, oh, oh my this what a girl feels like having girl sex. At first I didn't want to be a girl, After a hour, my master(mistress). We got dress again, I asked her, a few like I didn't anything about being a girl or hairdresser or witch, They is a few other things, like were do, I live and my ID. Damn it, I knew I forgot a few things. As a place to sleep, my place has plenty of room, and for the other things Barbara, it will take few days to adjust your , new you so don't worry your pretty in head. Now take a broom and sweep the floor. As I picked a broom and started sweeping.

    1. I got the idea of being transfigure into a girl, he just wanted a haircut, for some reason he went into a the salon, to get a haircut. But the place is run a couple of witches, and they needed a assistant or two. So she decided to transform into a actual girl. And assistant hairdresser and witch. She may lost her manhood, but she probably a gain a long life and youth and magic. And the fun begins, as she starts learn being a girls, clothes, shoes, makeup, and being a hairdresser and a witch, and she starts to have sex as a girl, and maybe in a 20 or 30 years with boys as playthings.

  2. I love it. Would you be able to do a follow up with me as the assistant helping a new customer out?
