Sunday 27 August 2023

Guest Publication By Rhodry 27.08.23

Both Anthony and Richard two average teenage boys couldn't believe all the stuff that girls go through, the nightly routine, getting up much earlier to get ready for the day which outfit to wear. They thought it was silly and stupid. But Sandra and Rebecca said that it gets easy you learn to figure out how to make it easy and fun.

Yeah, we do it better, one of them said. Okay if you "guys" can do it. And for a week if not it extended for a month or so. So with a agreement they decided to switch roles. SO, when both Anthony and Richard were now Sandra and Rebecca, at first that. They decided to skip some of the routines, but they automatically did there nightly routine, like they did it all there life, The same thing happened when they decided to do a simple choice, or they pick by random, but they automatically pick there outfit that would coordinate of the day. So when the two boys now girls. Met up with the girls now boys. Asked how are you "girls" holding out. Doing well, I see. They tried to lie to say it was to easy, that they last a week or so. So Sandra and Rebecca suggested that they stay like this for a month or so. There this other ways you can please us. They both knew, by decline of that idea, so either they learn to be girls for a time, or else.

When will you turn me back?

Daniel was so fixated to this scenes of X-rated porn videos. Especially those sex scenes. And he wanted to do it with his girlfriend Sarah. Sarah was person was will to do anything but there certain things she wouldn't do it. But Daniel wanted to do it with her badly.

Daniel tried for several weeks, but didn't succussed not really. Then one night Sarah sudden out of the blue she agreed to it. Frist put this bracelet and ring on this, two take off your clothes. Three I speak a few words that you not understand.

So he did what she asked, When she spoked the strange words, he felt strange and thought that he saw star. As he opening his eyes, he on all fours on the bed, he saw a girl strangely familiar to him. Before realizing, he felt something entering his rear. Oh, oh, oh ow. ow, he said, in a feminine masculine tone, that, that he/she said.

Well, all ways wanted to do this, honey, the now masculine Sarah said.

Yes, yes, owlish he/she said. But , but I wanted to be the one doing it. What she/he said, you don't like it. Oh, oh I, I feel something entering me its, its warm and tingly. After several more perpetration, Daniel finally orgasmed. As she/he looked at the now feminine Daniel finally was smiling. Maybe now he won't wanted to do it again. As she/he lay next to the feminine Daniel. ( is it the end Daniel wanted to something like this again. This his/her first time being penetrated will it be the last, will Sarah stay for awhile a guy. Will it change things probably, maybe.)

This is not the retirement I expected.

Willian was a secret agent that very name was considered to be a myth, even if you know the name, And that was it. I was so, so secret that no one knew the agents at all. They can go anywhere in the world. There technology is more advanced than the rest of word. To put simply they do things that is impossible to rejuvenate or extend them another 60 or 80 year s more. So William was the best field agent around but, he didn't wanted be one of the suits as calls them. So he choose. Retirement he was about 62 or 63 old still sharp, but he felt he needed other things to do that be part of the agencies. So he got rejuvenate about a little more than a third his present age, about 18 or 19 years old. And his gender was switched into a girl, actually girl physical and biologically too. Never mind the mental and emotional part. Never mind that his/her personal was of that of a girl. She given the name Wendy Taylor Smyth. She work in a clothing shop, she when to school in college in mathematic, and she is a little boy crazy too. She hasn't get got laid yet. But her former personally is party in control. But how long will she control her hormones. But sooner than latter, either she get a boy in trouble or a boy will. Given time and trouble. She might a great asset.

reliving it

His name was Shadow that was what he calls himself. It started about when he turned about 18 years old. And his parents was hoping that he might inherit the ability, the body hopping gene, to take over a body.

SO when he felt it, that strange feeling that strange argue, to take over a other body. He choice a girl that he liked, but she didn't like him, even as a friend. So he decided to take over Rebecca who was 19-years old. He stay with her for a week. 7 glorious days, that should solve her problems.

Then a week or two later he found hid next person that he could posses a young woman 21 years old name Sandra, he decided to be her for a day or so. So, he plays with her and her toys.

And Shadow kept doing this for the next several months. Then he noticed a still beautiful 55 year old and his mothers friend. Name Patricia, oh, oh my no she my mothers friend. She won't know, I been doing this sometime now. So what can a day, so Shadow did it. But what happen that he err she highly horny at the time. He figure a day or two. And that's , that, but it lasted 7 days. Of carnal sex, BJ's, drinking, How can a woman three times my age be so, so sexually active. I don't think I could last a day. But she gave out. Then a decided to leave, just to get some rest. But 4 or 6 week maybe longer.

Shadow decided to do her again, but there was a problem, he couldn't get in her body, not fully, then there a voice he heard, it said hey, this body is occupied all ready, so get lost, but Shadow wanted to experience it again. But the new possessor wasn't willing to share her body. So get lost. Then the new possessor sort kicked him into one of his first ones he possessed. Oh no, oh no. Her again I'll back in stuck up Rebecca body again. As he tried to leave her body. He was just stuck in her for now. He was simply to tired to try again. So Shadow. To make a good thing out of it. And he/she would get lucky again. As he/she looked into her closet. Most of her clothes were bore and tomboyish in tasted. Thou she had a few dresses and skirts, and low heels. Doesn't she dress up like a girl. What am I saying now. Then I am realizing that I want sex has a girl. What is it that I'm horny, its these body I borrow now.

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