Saturday 19 August 2023

Guest Publication By Rhodry 19.08.23

Daniel was trapped for over 16 days or was it 17 or 18 days. He was give injections several times a day and night, What it done to me was impossible, my body was change physically and biologically to put it simply externed and internal feminine, I quess that I'm nearly completely feminine.

About on day 21 he checked me out like he did dozens of times to see if I was change as is. He told me that, I was nearly complete in the physical and biological way. That soon that the mental and emotion state be instated in my mind, plus you have new set of memories of my daughter. Why am I here, I said in a feminine masculine tone.

Why, why you know why, you here the one who cause is. But I don't know who your talking about. Then he show me a picture of a girl of my flat mate of that crazy girl he was date. He several months ago. I believe that she killed herself. But that wasn't me it was another person. You think I'm a fool I checked that she when to your flat(apartment). So in a few days you will change. You will my daughter again. I will not, I said as best I could. thou I tried, to keep what's left of me, as me, thou I didn't hate being a girl I like it. Then I felt nearly comfortable as a girl. Nearly 11 weeks later, I could really remember why I'm hear at the institution. When I saw him I recognize as my father. He told me that I had a mental breakdown you here get be my child. Oh, I'm sorry that I cause any trouble.

So after a few days she working as her personal assistant. And she met the man that father approved of. What happened next is a guess a half.

I wonder why we're still like this?

Michael didn't like the idea that his daughter was a prostitute excuse me an escort.

Well escort make more money in one day that a prostitute in a week or two.

Michael thought he could turn his daughter Melanie to see his view, his way. He knew this she smart, probably smart than most people her age.

But she liked what she was doing, and she good at it, very good at being escort.

So your going to do this for next 20 years or so. He said. She no probably not that long, I'm interested in other things too. But there are other avenues to uses, he said. Yes, that if your lucky, you might make someone else rich, and well-known too. You might get some credit for it, and probably get a step or two up. This way I get there now. But why Am I tell you this. She said you don't understand me. I wish that you could see what its like to be me for a time.

So what happened the next morning to Michael an Melanie. When Michael woke up that morning, he felt odd, strange almost like he was another person. As he heard a feminine voice, his chest felt funny, and he couldn't feel his manhood between his legs. As he saw himself in his daughters sexy twenty-some body. He noticed that his/her nightie was thin and semi-transparent. This is what she wears to bed. He/she said. Then he/she peak underneath to see if she was wearing kickers(panties) underneath.

Then a call from his number rang to his daughter's phone. Michael answered it in feminine/masculine tone. Hello, he/she answered it. Hello father she/he answered as masculine as possible. So your me, and I'm you she/he said. So what to do now, he/she said. Well you have to learn a lesson. And I'll be you for the time being and pretend to be me for the time being. What I have to pretend to be a girl, I mean you now. I'll send you a series of instructions of how act and dress for your clients tonight. So after a series of text instructions. And after a while he/she shut it down. Then he/she decided to lower his/she knickers(panties). He/she wanted to explore his/her daughters vagina. And he/she notices a dildo. He/she one average side dildo in his/her vagina, ok, oh that felt good. I didn't how horny she, I am. After a hour or so. He/she had to get ready, so after several with his/her hair, makeup and clothes, get ready for her client. While Melanie was her father, she told her mother that she was him for a time. Both them interested time. While Michael/Melanie finely meet her client that were a several Japanese businessmen Who were interesting in blonde girls. He/she played imp, plus he/she was still horny, needed to release some sexual tension. He/she spread his/her legs to expose her crotch. They were interesting in her allot. They fun with her vagina, her breasts too. They need some sexual release, so he/she decided to give them a BJ or three. Thou it helped but not completed. They wanted some penetrating or three, he/she did like the idea even, the need, the sexually tension was too great. Didn't like the BJ's but he/she kind of enjoyed it. Like the penetrating it, it was amazing so this was it like that woman has sex. After a hour or two, he/she finely gave up. And the them he/she fell asleep.

When Michael was still Melanie with the three Japanese's business men. And still naked. He/she hope what ever what he to learn he didn't learn it. Then he/she look down at her vagina it was still wet and sticky. And he/she release some more sexual tension again. He/she to get that same feeling that same sensation. Oh, how girl get so horny. I thought that experience what its like to be escort. Maybe there something else, but what?

Becoming a father requested by Anonymous

Frank knew that he was different but didn't know how or why. When he turned 21-years old. Thing changed when he accidentally changed into someone else, thou it lastly barely 30 minutes when changed into that form or body, he discovered that sounded like that person. After that, he returned to being himself again. So after a few days tried again, this time for a hour or so. So he did again and again. Sometimes he changes into a girl this time, he didn't know why, he did it. But he stay as a girl for the afternoon. For some reason, enjoyed it greatly.

Since he had this ability, this talent, this power. He used wisely and carefully and told no one. He was sure that his abilities would befit others. Than myself so carefully used is to acquire a small fortune in several accounts. He lived like this for several years then he wonder that if he was the only shapeshifter, he did look and tried to find that answers, but got more questions. If there were more like him, there would very few barely a few thousand maybe or less. Maybe because being shapeshifters, kept there secret too. He also wonders why he wasn't considered unique. Maybe like those testing were designed to but people us down, to believe that we were average.

So he wanted something to carry his name, to bring for a child probably him. So came up with a crazy insane idea. TO be both Father and Mother his child. Which mean that if he does this, if he becomes her, it will be for a long time, maybe forever, so he searched and searched for several weeks. In steed of taking over her life and killing her in the process. He found the perfect one. A Forty year old woman, pretty, but she was died of cancer. So she would the perfect one. He learned her life and her style. He used his power to shapeshifted into her, Used his/her abilities to shifted her into a unknown male person. And got ridden of it in a part of the forest no one goes. Then as he shafted into her. And played the part, then he/she mysterious got better, like she never had it. Then a week testing he/she was fine. And she allowed go home.

His/her now husband was surprised at her. She was full of life, and wanted to stay home. And maybe have a little fun now she said. After a week or so. She decided to put the next phase of her plan by artificial insemination herself.

A few weeks later the tests were positive she was pregnant. She couldn't the tell her husband. He glad but puzzle that she got pregnant, he thought she couldn't after the cancer. Then thought another mirage. She make sure he did know the true, she is the mother of the child, and the father too. But she'll never tell the whole story. With a eight or nine month she birth to her child, since he is my husband with a several months or a year, I'll given a child by him. This one wild ride. And its not done yet.

Make sure nobody is coming!

This now was the aspect of his life, when he first transformed, transfigured whatever you call it. At first, Michael didn't like the idea of being a girl. Yes, he like girls but he didn't like being them. He think about it or try out a dress or skirt. Or the heels, he probably did like a bet or Halloween maybe. But that was it. Now he is a girl name, Michela or Mikka for short.

But stay his err her place for the last several days. Driving her crazy, he looked thought everything he err she and state that Michael was female, physically and biologically female. But he/she doesn't feel female, but he/she feel male ever too.

When she/he decided go out for a night for a drink or two. He/she looked in his/her closet for something to wear, he/she was looking something not to girly. But such luck. So he/she choose, the less feminine dress a pair of heels that he/she like. What am I saying. Michael put on lingerie and dress and heels like. He/she was doing like he/she wore for years. And

he put on some makeup, like instinct, When he/she got the pub. And he/she out of few guys wanted to pick him up. And he/she no thank you. And had a drink or three was it five. But he/she wanted to go quickly to his/her place so.

When he/she left about 10 minutes, he/she felt his/her bladder. And he/she needed to relive his/herself a patch of wood, Which there was another problem. One he/she didn't have a you know what, so what to before he/she ruin his/her dresses, a pair panties(knickers) and possibly a good pair shoes. I knew that I should of use the ladies room, before I leave the pub. Then he/she remember that, they squat down doing number two. That's how they do it outside. After he/she did it, and hoped that there was enough woods not be seen. Then he/she go back to his/her place. Either used the ladies room before leaving or watch my drinking?


  1. Request: A man turned in slime by some government experiment, assimilates a single mum. A perfect hiding spot.


    1. thank you for getting in touch
      I will work on that shortly.


  2. "hey Kiddo, it's not my fault!! You asked me to possess your aunt, i love this body and ain't leaving soon."

    A teen who lives with his aunt, asked his old neighbor acho was a bodyhopper to possess his aunt to come in parent's meet.


    1. thank you for getting in touch
      I will work on that shortly.


  3. Could you make a story just like this? It's about a perv shapeshifter who is a divorced mom who lives with her young boy. He replaces her and stays with this form.


    1. thank you for getting in touch
      I will work on that shortly.

