Sunday 21 May 2023

It was not a toy! requested by Shadow. Part 1

16-year-old shadow was dumpster diving behind an old department store when he came across something strange and peculiar in one of the dumpsters.

It had a tag on it saying department of defence destroy and recycle all parts.

Thinking it was a vintage toy and might be worth some money on eBay he pulled it out and took it back home with him.

Back at home he cleaned it up changed the batteries inside it and looked online for something similar so he now what to list it for.

He could find nothing out about the toy he had found or what it was worth.

He thought he would go and show his mother and see if she had seen anything like it before.

He walked into the kitchen where she was making lunch he pointed the toy gun at her and pulled the trigger.

A purple light emanated from the end of the gun and enveloped her then he found himself dragged inside her body.

He found it strange and confusing at first being inside his mother's body.

He screamed wondering what the hell had happened.

He did not know what to do.

He did not like being inside of his mother's body.

It was all strange and hormonal.

It all felt wrong and taboo.

Walking un steadily due to the the extra weight he was carrying up top on the heels his mother was wearing he picked up the gun from the floor.

With no idea how to get out of his mother's body he was trapped in there until he could find out what had done this and how to undo it.

He try to respect her body and do nothing that would be considered wrong he quickly discovered after 24 hours in her body that she was an extremely horny person.

Just wiping her piss flaps after going for a peace and strange feelings through her body.

Taking a shower in her body almost blew his mind.

He spent most of his time on the computer trying to find any information about the ray gun he had pointed at his mother.

He was spending most of his time in her bed with her legs wide open masturbating furiously with the toys he had found in a box.

He was extremely happy and excited when he had finally discovered some information on the darknet about the gun he had found in the dumpster.

It turned out it was an experimental costume gun divert by the United States military so a person could take over another person's body and wear it like a skin.

According to the information he had found the only way to get out of his mother's body was to used the master reset code or take over somebody else's.