Thursday 4 May 2023

I do not want a second one.

Rebecca and her husband Michael were very lucky in the great shift.

They swapped bodies with each other.

Things were very Rocky and confusing at first as they both adapted to their new bodies and their new roles with inside their relationship.

Sarah found it quite easy and liberating being a man and her husband.

She quite enjoyed having a cock and standing up to pee.

She found the world no longer a frightening place.

She found she was more respected and treated better now she was a man then she was as a woman by other people.

Michael on the other hand did not find being a woman and his wife as easy.

apart from getting used to having breasts and a vagina he was now 8 months pregnant with their first child which was a lot for him to take in and understand.

Is whole entire body ate and the baby was heavy and he was terrified about the whole giving birth thing.



  1. Rebecca and her husband Michael somehow swapped, shifted, changed places between each other. Michael was good at his job, he wasn't cleaver enough, but he had a talent for people, get them to do thing for him. Like his wife that was smarter than he was, but not good with people, but he realized that used that talent to his benefit.
    But now things were different Rebecca is now Michaels body and Michael was now in Rebecca body, at first he didn't want to be in a women's body. So wanted his old male form now back. And he/she wasn't very polite about it. But Rececca felt something that she/he didn't have much of. Confidence, that she/he now had. She/he said, who do you think you are, missy, she/he said. Well, I'm your husband, he/she said to her/him now. Not anymore now. She/he said. What you talk to me like this now, he/she said. Yes, she/he said. I may not know what happened to us, but I did like it then, I wasn't sure why, maybe being a different person. As given me a confidence boost so things will change now you are now the she, the her, the female, the woman now. When she/he heard that he/she was taken back. He/she felt something that never happened that his wife, didn't listen or accept his word this was unacceptable to him. Being a woman was bad enough, that his wife is a man is bad enough, what worst is that she is his body now, Which horrible to him, but being a girl. Which has no knowledge or care for being one.
    But Michael/ Rebecca has to acknowledge that he is a she for now. And his wife is a man now and his/her husband, ick he/she thought. What are the plus sides to this now, none to Michael/Rebecca now, he/she has breast, a empty space between his/her. He/she has longer hair now that he/she has to take care of now, shave his/her legs now. He/she was much shorter, lighter, and weaker. Now Rebecca/Michael was taller, stronger, thou he could lose several pounds now, excise to firm her/his male body now. She/he could felt more confessdent that the world, felt right to her/him now.
    But Michael/Rebecca felt the opposite he/she felt that he/she traded down now. the world was different that what he/she could do, that he/she can't do now. Like he/she has look pretty for his/her wife/husband, do what she/he said. He/she wanted to resisted but that nagging feeling said differently now, like wearing dresses, wear heels which he/she felt it was stupid to do. It was okay for them to do it for him. But not him/her. Or the makeup or hair lesson, he/she to learn, never mind the sex as girl, which he/she thought it was the worst, being the one who gets penetrated than the one who. Gets its, thou the sex strangely was please, but he/she can't accept it. But Mchael/Rebecca was told to wear the dresses and skirts and wearing chucky or low-heels than higher heels, if Michael/Rebecca was a good at being a girl, he/she was allowed to wear some slacks once or twice a week if he/she did a good job. Rebecca/Michael like the idea of being the man, he like the idea \of being the man, the guy, things, she/he always wanted to be on top for there sex session. Even before she/he a girl then, but she wasn't allowed to be on top. Michael always was in control. So when the day became weeks and months, there was something wrong with him/her now, Michael/Rebecca before the change the switch now. that it was around the time of Rebecca/Michael was still a her. Than when Michael/Rebecca was in her body, had sex. To put it simple miss his/her body period. Why was he/she now pregnant now, why was Rebecca/Michael did take the pill now? Now that he/she was now about a month pregnant, and he/she had problems being a ordinarily girl now. But being Pregnant, Michael/Rebecca not to be pregnant, but Rebecca/Michael want and what she/he want she/he got so weeks after that Michael/Rebecca then several months later. Michael/Rebecca abut nearly 7 or 8 months now. Big as house, his/her will power has reduces greatly.
