Sunday 2 April 2023

Childbirth: request Anonymous

Daniel discovered when he turned 18 that he had inherited a strange and weird ability.

He was now able to possess women to be more accurate pregnant women.

Which he discovered quite by accident when he accidentally possessed his pregnant next door neighbour a busty blonde who was going through the honeymoon phase of pregnancy and was extremely horny.

He spent a good few enjoyable hours in her body discovering how to make a woman moan.

After leaving her body and going back to his own he found himself with only one thing on his mind being a pregnant woman.

He hopped in and out of her body for the next few days spending the time her husband was out of the house doing nothing but masturbating and enjoying himself.

Not wanting to out stay his welcome in her body he decided search further afield for his next possession.

He decided to visit the local hospital and the maternity ward and see who was there and who he fancied being.

He possessed a young woman who was having her first child.
he thought she was just there for a check-up he did not know she was there to be induced.

Before he knew what was going on they had injected him in the spine and her water had broke.

Panic-stricken and frightened he thought about just leaving but he was in so much pain he could not concentrate enough to connect to his own body.

He spent the next 16 and 1/2 hours in the most excruciating pain.

He thought the contractions were bad enough but when he was fully dilated that was when the true pain started.

Gritting his teeth and bearing down he pushed a healthy baby girl out of him.

He found himself overwhelmed with emotions and when he held the baby in his arms and started to cry with happiness and delight.

He desperately wanted to stay here you did not want to give up the baby but he knew he to his own body he had been away from it too long.

After that day he spent most of his time waiting at the hospital waiting for a woman to go into labour so he could hop into her body so he could feel that experience all over again.

It was the greatest rush.

It was the greatest pleasure he had ever felt.

It was incredible and life-changing.


  1. Request:

    Hobo finds a Magic coin and wishes to haver a seconds chance in life. He woke up the next day , possessing the body from a mature single mom. He realizes what happened and thought It was better for him and the kid, he would pretend being his mom.

  2. Daniel didn't truth understand it, At first it was a accident that he was actually someone else, in that moment he didn't exist as a person. In that moment he was a sort of a wraith. A being of energy. And in that moment he was inside of another person, actually a woman. But in that moment she was having sex, with a guy, actually her husband. Before he could realize it. Daniel had his first orgasm as a girl., actual girl.
    At he didn't like the idea having sex with a guy, but then he felt it. It, It freaking amazing the explosions, the orgasms, he couldn't believe it, is this how girls feel when they get penetrated there. As after when the last of the feeling end. Daniel returned to his physical form. After a few days later he wondered, if he could do it again. And to other people too.
    So he a girl that he knew, it his school, you know that girl that wouldn't give you the time of day unless you have something to offer her. Or popular, it was good, real good but not that good. Then he saw a few of the other girls that was twenty-something or older.
    The next one was married and she missed her period too, she was about 8 or 9 months pregnant, which a new experience at least. But the problem was that she starting to going into labor. Daniel didn't known what to do. Other tried leave her and let have the child. But they started to sedate. Daniel/her to claim her down.
    Daniel/her was in labor for about 16.5 hours. It was one of the worst and most best thing. Daniel/her experiences. Then he leave her body. And returned to his original form.
    Daniel after several week or exploring other girls, he enjoyed after the sex as a girl. He wondered that, he wants to have sex as himself. He now preferred sex as a girl. Maybe he'll posses a girl, totally but he hasn't decided that if wants it yet. To have effort of being one, that he wants the pleasure it, then the work of it.

  3. This is brilliant. Can you a sequel where months later he reflects on all the many births he has experienced? The fact that he has done such a feminine act so often, maybe it changes him. Maybe now having a cock between his legs feels really foreign and wrong as he is so used to having a vagina? Does he miss having the comforting weight of a heavy pair of milk filled breasts on his chest whenever he is back in his own body? Perhaps he has breastfed a couple of times which makes being a woman even more powerful.
    Maybe he is addicted to womanhood now.

  4. So I was the one who requested the story and well I gotta say it was worth the wait it seems lol. and damn I thought you totally forgot about it lol. Thanks for this though it was good, hope you accept my request again if possible 😆
