Saturday 11 February 2023

Why does this make me so happy? (GS)

Benjamin was never the type of person to get marry settle down with one person. He always thought, he'll live his life as a bachelor, he could go out to the bars or clubs, soliclate with a woman ever night. Benjamin never thought about it.

Then one day, one-night things changed, how well Benjamin woke the next morning a girl, a woman, that alone is enough a problem. The other problems is that he errs she is married. For some time maybe a year or so, and he's err she is pregnant about maybe five or six months pregnant. When he errs, she slowly realizes those things. What to him, He/she started to cry for an hour or so. Then he/she realized he/she was wearing diaphanous short nightgown.

After he/she was finished crying, he/she felt his/her belly, his err her child was stirling inside him/her belly. Benjamin didn't really care that if he/she the only one or that there were others. A few weeks later. Benjamin was trying to figure out things, like a girl, being pregnant. His/her weird craving, mood swings. As he/she was starting to adjust to being a girl now, he/she was having a problem being pregnant. Benjamin wanted to wear pants or slacks. But he/she had problems to get them on and off his/her body easily or quickly. So that wearing maternity clothes like dresses was easier and better for him/her. Benjamin couldn't dare wear her high heels at all. Either flat low heels or flats or skimmer. That easy for him/her to wear. Then about two months or little longer.

It happens to him/her, he/she was going into labor. And about 17 or 18, 19 hours later. She gave birth to a baby boy. Several hours later, after she yes, she was holding her baby, Melissia. At first since is happening her, she wanted to return to being a guy, being Benjamin again. But now that she experiences being pregnant, given birth. She realized that being a girl, a woman, a wife, being pregnant, given birth was both the hardest and most wonderful thing happening to her. Her next step is being a mother. Which she has to figure it out. And there were other things about being a girl, she figures it out.

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