Friday 18 November 2022

Unhappy customer

Taxi driver William had his body stolen by a very unhappy lady.

The woman apologise for doing this to him by she could not live as a woman any longer.

She told him that she had always felt like a man and she knew she wanted to be one.

She said she had been looking for the right person for the Medallion to work on and tonight she found him.

She kicked him out of the taxi outside his new home before driving off with his body his life and his identity for doing it to him but she

He did not know what to expect when he returned to her home and her boyfriend.

He imagined her boyfriend to be a horrible man who beat her and treated her horribly.

He discovered that the man was completely opposite to what he had imagined.

He was loving kind and generous.

He could not work out why this woman wanted to leave her life behind.

He quickly discovered feelings for him and started to fall into the role of girlfriend and lover.

It was only 3 days after having his body stolen that gave up fighting his new bodies stolen sexual urges towards.

He quickly discovered how wonderful passionate and great sex as a woman was.

It was more than just a physical thing it was emotional and passionate.

He quickly discovered how great giving as well as receiving was.

He discovered the greatest joy in life was waking up in the arms of the man you loved after a night of passionate love making.

He discovered he loved it when Frank squeezed his little boobs in the morning.

He discovered he loved it when Frank's morning wood pushed into the crack of his buttocks.

He knew Frank would like his morning head before he got out of bed and he was only too happy to slide beneath the sheets to suck him off. 


  1. It is said that mind and body are the same, but most can't explain, the reason or cause, these people who feel out of place, it's like that they don't truthy belong as is.
    What does this have to do with William he was taxi driver, college student. He figure it was the best way. To make money go to school too. He was doing it, for several weeks, maybe a few months. When he picked up a woman, a beautiful woman, smartly dressed. At the time he didn't know her name, as Alana.
    William took Alana to place she wanted to be taken. Then when he drove her there, she touched him with a medallion, he felt funny within a few minutes. William starling at himself.
    I'm sorry to do this but, I need to do this. Has he err she still was confused. He err she noticed a noted, please enter your home, and watched the message, the tablet, it will explain what happen. So William as Alana entered her new home. He err she noticed the tablet. And note on it.
    Hello, to put it simply you are Alana now, you don't look like me or you. You are me now physically, biologically you are a woman. Mentally and emotionally in part, I gave you some basic memories certain things that are important, like a little your my err our history, how to dress and act as one. Why that, is a bit complicated to explain that I felt like was a girl. I know it sound crazy. Why do this, why not do the sex change thing. Well to me, it feels incomplete, it is more appearances, that being a complete. I felt I should been a guy fully and completely. If your looking for the medallion, you can forget it. I have it, in my present body. And its safety put away for time. So I hope you will adjust to your life now as female.
    As I tried to figure why Alana would this why she switch bodies and gender with me. As the time, I met her, err my boyfriend if were a girl. I wouldn't wanted to leave him, I thought there something wrong, he was basically saint of sorts. If I were a girl, I wouldn't mind be with him.
    About three days later, I seem to adjust to be a girl. More, I started wear some her err my now skirts and dresses, I still won't wear the most girly ones, but I decided either wear them the most causal things her err I had or clean out the closet for pants and corduroy and flat shoes. It seems I can do job, most of time, I do it at home, I rarely am around people. Which is good, her err my boyfriend wanted to sleep over, I couldn't figure a nice fib, I seem to be more conformable as one. Why I wanted to have him sleep over. To put it simply I was horny. I need some sexual comfort even I, sleep with him, it might release it a bit.
    Then William/Alana gave in to her at first, she didn't think she'll like it, she the passion allot. But was she ready for the physical, yes, why something inside her, said it, it wasn't a voice not exactly. It, it felt so incredible wonderful, why she decided to a guy. I was a guy, now went experiment sex as girl. I don't think wanted it as a man again. Then as we cuddled together, my boyfriend, yes, my boyfriend Tom. instinct if was out of habit something else. He started to play with my breasts, am I realizing that I'm Alana, yes, yes I am. As night seem to last days, Tom was pressing body to mine, as the morning slowly arose. Then felt something, that was another life, I felt Tom's woody pressing to my butt. I should been shocked my not, so Tom had relieved himself to the bathroom, and five minutes later he returned to bed. Then Alana decided to slide under the sheet, to suck it. Like a lollipop.
    Thou this was her first time, it wouldn't the last.
    As the days, turned to weeks Alana was more and more comfortable as Alana. She started wear more causally makeup, be more dressy, even wore higher heels that she practices on. She still won't wear the more girly stuff, but Alana knew if she refuses wear them, she would give them away. Maybe she tried one soon, when she's read. And what William, that name was her not now, or probably ever, if it was, she would basically find a way back. This who she is a girl, female, lover. Maybe more?
