Friday 18 November 2022

Putting things right

Sandra was your typical 1930s single woman.

She had a decent education and worked at the local library.

She had never been in trouble with the law.

So she was surprised when she was arrested at work this morning.

She was taken to the local station where she was booked in and charged with the murder of one Mr Harry Franks a travelling salesman.

She had no idea who he was and did not even remember seeing him.

She had no idea 3 days ago she had been possessed by a man from the future who wanted to stop the great work her great great great grandchildren would do.

As she was sat in front of the photographer who was to take her mugshot she felt a strange buzzing in her head and put her hand up to her hair nervously playing with it.

She had no idea her brain and body were being taken over once again by a man from the future.

This time it was one of her great great great grandsons who was sent back in time in her body to save her and his future.

It took him 6 long miserable months to clear her name.

When he was finally released he had less than 3 days to meet the man that would become his great great great grandfather and make him fall in love with her.

He did his best to make sure everything went how history recorded it and put the timeline back on track.

After making them fall in love with each other he was ready to go back to his own time and sent the return signal.

He expected himself to be sent straight back but for some reason his signal kept on getting rebounded.

After 5 weeks of trying to send his consciousness back to the future he was resigned to the fact that he was now his great great great grandmother.

Which meant he was going to have to marry his great great great grandfather and become mother to his great great grandmother.

Which just made his head hurt to think about it.



  1. Sandra was your stereotype 1930's woman, a sorta nerd, works as a librarian. She basically was average education woman officially, unofficially she smarter than average, even consider a gifted or genius. What so important about her. Then she good at being a librarian.
    About three ago Sandra was arrested for murdering a traveling salesman. The trouble was that she doesn't remember, meeting him, knowing him. But all the evidence says differently.
    What's unknown to Sandra, that she is being using by a time traveler from over a hundred years. Why this traveler needs to alter certain events. That he needed to changed to prevent what Sandra great, great, great grandchildren will do something amazing or wonderful.
    Again, Sandra was taking over by another person the future. But this one, did wanted to affect her life, but to return her life back to its proper course. This one was her great, great, great grandchild. He wanted her life to returned to what it ordinally was. It took him several months, maybe five or six months, what's so important. To him than returning her to the normal course of events. Well with this time she will meet her future husband. And his future great, great, great grandfather and eventually have children and great, great, great grandchild eventually he'll born and created certain things. He made sure than the ordinally timeline was tract.
    After stay extra several weeks to be sure that things are normal for her life that his history is on tract. So he felt that her life on the right path. So he tried to return to his own timeline. Thou he could only return back to his time for only for a few minutes, and then snapped back to Sandra's time. he tried again and again. Thou his time back his time was shorter and shorter. Then he couldn't go back to his time. Then he realized that he is now is great, great, great grandmother. He couldn't return back. So he is now his own great, great, great grandmother. So he or she is Sandra, soon she'll get pregnant and be a mother.
    (Paradox theory, what more important the cause, or effect. if you go back in time, will you change history, or will you effect. That is puzzle, some said that traveling into time is creation of history. or did you created a different time event or alternated, would remember it or have a feeling of something.)
