Saturday 19 November 2022

I don't want to be a woman forever! (GS)

He enjoyed his time as a woman, but he didn't be a girl all his life. He considered what he done as vacation, temporary form being a guy, a man. For a time. So bought a special potion, that will physical and biologically a woman. He even felt like one. But enough playing girl now. It's time to be myself again.

As he drank a bottle of the potion, he closes his eyes, then he opened them again. When effects stopped. As he opened them again, what the f----. I'm still a girl. My face looked more prettier; my breasts seem bustier. I look more feminine than before. Then I had to out why this happen to me. That didn't return to be a guy again. So, he took the other bottle and what instructions. As he went to a help desk. And asked no demanded what happen to him. It took several minutes, and some rechecking.

Well it seem that you took the rest of transformation of being a girl. So if i the other potion I should change back to a guy again.

Well not exactly potion and spells are tricky if take the rest of the potion, it will fix to that form for good. You be a guy, but its going to be temporary. Before he could speak, you make that mistake I'm sorry but you should read instructions.

I, I don't want to stay like this for good. he said. Here take this, she said. What is it, he said.

Its a potion that will help adjust to your new life as a girl now?

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